A Death in the Family

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A death in the family

A coffin to fill

A loved-one to mourn

But the corpse won't stay still

It sits on the sofa

With both feet propped up

Then into the kitchen

To fill its tea cup

It takes up the jam

And a dry crust of bread

As if eating

Were a natural thing for the dead

A walk in the evening

For it likes to keep fit

Then a rest in the den

With the fireplace lit

At night it retires

With curtains all drawn

Then up again early

For breakfast at dawn

We sit at the table

The living and dead

But I only can think

About what lies ahead

For funeral expenses

I spare not a thought

But I fear what will happen

When the corpse starts to rot

I have asked it too kindly

To not hang around

I have asked it to leave

And get into the ground

But the corpse only stares

At me blankly, or smiles

It apparently plans

To stay here for a while

A death in the family

Is a somber affair

But a death in our family

Does not quite compare

To those that are honored

In stone and in wood

And get buried below

Like all good corpses should

So to my dear family

This promise I will keep

That when I die

I will lie

In the ground and there,

I will sleep.

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