A Star, I Saw

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A star, I saw

It wandered wide.

I followed it

With startled eyes.

It twinkled then

It lost its grip

And from the sky

Began to slip.

I watched it as

It made its drop

From far above

To land atop

The tallest tree,

Its branches there.

It tore the leaves,

Left branches bare.

A sound, a crash

Came at my ears.

The kind that from

A war appears.

A blast, a cry,

A battlefield.

True nature of

Mankind revealed.

But this, a star

Was not a threat,

I hoped upon

My life and set

Out to explore

Among the wood

What shard or stone

Or mountain could

Disturb a night

On which the eye

Could pluck a star

Out of the sky.

I soon approached

The copse of trees.

They bowed their heads,

Knelt in the breeze.

I pressed between

Their prickled skin

To spy upon

What lay within.

What horror did

My eyes behold,

But my own form

All dead and cold!

The air was chill

My breath did steam

Was I awake?

Was this a dream?

I stood in shock

My mouth agape

Afraid of this

Familiar shape.

And as I stood,

To my surprise,

The corpse, it moved,

Opened its eyes.

It looked at me

With my own face!

I knew that I

Must flee this place

I turned to run

But took too long.

He looked at me,

Said "what is wrong?"

I turned to him

In misty shroud

And in my fear

I yelled aloud:

"A place my face

Does not belong,

And you dare ask

Me what is wrong?"

The corpse, he smiled

A wicked thing,

A smile to make

The crows take wing.

"But I am here

To comfort you,

For I know what

At night you do.

You sit alone,

Neglect your love

To watch for signs

From far above.

But nothing comes

And you despair

While lonely love

Cannot repair

Her broken heart

With stitches sewn.

For every night,

She sits alone.

"And you, my twin,

My living self,

You leave your life

Upon the shelf.

You wait for things

That will not come

And all the while

Grow cold and numb.

Yet I am caught

In endless night

I know not of

The warmth of light.

I gazed upon

Your hopeful form

As I too longed

To be reborn.

So down I came

And brought with me

An invite to


I offer you

An even trade

To live in night

And never fade.

And in exchange

I take with me

Your life and your


With these last words

He raised his head

And howled a song

To wake the dead

A sound to reach

The ice of hell

To spread my fear

To every cell.

I found my feet

And in my fright,

Ran with my life

Into the night.

Back to my love,

I found my way

And by her side

I swore to stay.

And though I longed

Before that day

To leave this earth

And fly away,

I work to calm

My roving eye.

I will not look

Into the sky.

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