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<???'s POV>

The time has come. I will finally be able to rest in peace with the Sage of Six Paths. That is, if I'm not banished here again. Although that is highly unlikely. "Kurama, why do I sense another you?" Naruto asked. "Well kit, there will need to be a 9 Tails tomorrow," I replied. "...What do you mean? You will be here, wont you?" he asked. "All life must come to an end. Although I am chakra, I am also a demon. Its my time- no, its all the tailed beasts' time- to go see the Sage of Six Paths," I replied. "You cant die. At least wait until I do, then we'll go together," he said. I let him hear my cackle. "Kit, all tailed beasts, their jinjuriki, and the lovers of their jinjuriki, go to the same place when they die. Your parents are proud of you. They dont want you to have the burden of carrying me forever, nor do they wish for you to die," I said. "You're not a burden. And what about your chakra?" he asked. "Well kit, you already took it a long time ago. You'll just keep an endless supply of it with you. However, you must be alone when you die. At the second of your death, my remaining chakra will explode," I replied. I felt myself fading. "Kurama? Kurama?" he asked, panicking. "You were my favorite host..." I said, before I faded completely into the abyss of death. "Welcome Kyuubi and thank you for taking care of our son," Kushina said as soon as I was in our death destination. Minato smiled.

<Naruto's POV>

I felt a loss as Kurama faded from my mind. Even though he called me his favorite, I still feel like I failed a his host. "Daddy? Is everything alright?" Himawari asked. I smiled at my daughter. It was fake. "Uncle Kura is in a deep sleep," I replied. Hinata came into the room, rubbing her big belly. "Naruto its time," she said. "Boruto! Watch your sister!" I called up, before me and my wife left to welcome our new child into the world.

A/N: I know this chapter is short. But bear with me, as the next chapter will be longer. Bye bye, kits.

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