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<Naruto's POV>

"You sure you cannot stay & help with Jisedai?" Hinata asked. I smiled a bit sadly. "Yes. As much as I'd like to stay, my duties as Hokage need me. I'll make sure Boruto's team stays in the Village so he can help if you need him," I replied. She smiled. "Well, okay. We love you," she said. Now my smile was real. "I love you too," I said, before leaving.

<3rd POV>

Boruto Uzumaki was at his team's meeting spot. He was waiting on his team. He really wanted to get done early so he could go see his new brother. By the time it was lunch, his team arrived. "What took you so long?" Boruto demanded. "We got lost on the path of life," their sensei, Kakashi (yes, I had to do this), replied. "Path of life my a**! You dont have a new brother to get home to," Boruto snapped. "I didnt know you had a brother," said Sarada. "He was just born yesterday," Boruto said. "Lets get our mission," Kakashi said. They, with a grumpy Boruto, made their way to the Hokage's office. Boruto didnt bother to knock as they just entered. "Boruto how many times must I remind you to knock?" Naruto asked, but he was smiling as he remembered he was like that. "Sorry. These three bakas were SUPER late. I'm surprised these two were," Boruto said. "I was helping Mom at the hospital," Sarada said. "I just wanted to bother Boruto," Mitsuki said. "I got lost on the path of life," Kakashi said. This caused Naruto to smile. "You havent changed, have you, ex-hokage?" Naruto asked. "Nope," Kakashi replied. "Can you just give us the mission? I want to see Jisedai," Boruto said. "Alright. I have some D-rank missions so you dont have to go far from home," Naruto said. He handed Kakashi the mission files, which he looked over. "Team 7 accepts," Kakashi said. "Daddy!" Himawari said, running in. She looked partially scared. "Why arent you at the academy, Himawari?" Naruto asked. He sounded more concerned than bothered. "Jisedai, he... he's surrounded by red chakra!" she replied. "Lord Naruto, isnt Kurama still sealed in you?" Kakashi asked. Naruto frowned at that. "Not exactly," Naruto replied. "What do you mean? Its either a yes or a no," Kakashi said. "Yes, as in his chakra is. But he is not. He died yesterday. He told me beforehand that his child has been born in Jisedai's mind. There still has to be a Nine Tails to balance the elements," Naruto replied his frown growing. "The tailed beasts can die? What happens to chakra when they do?" Sarada asked. "If they're sealed inside someone, their chakra will remain with their host. But if either the host dies or they had no host, their chakra will explode," Naruto replied. "...So you will explode when you die?" Mitsuki asked. "Yes," the Hokage replied. "We need to go help Mom," Boruto reminded them. "No, I will. Your team will do your missions. No harm will come to your brother so you should not worry. His tailed beast must be trying to figure out who and what it is," Naruto said. "And what about Himawari?" Boruto asked. "You can drop her off at the academy," the Hokage replied. He cast a shadow clone to do his work, and they all left his office. Himawari hopped on the back of Kakashi, who was shocked, but carried her anyway. And so, they all set off.

<Naruto's POV>

I was extremely worried. This could get out of hand if I'm not careful. Reaching my house, I saw a crowd surrounding the house, and heard my son crying. Breaking through the crowd, I saw Hinata trying to calm him down. He indeed had Kurama's red chakra surrounding him. I knew how to calm him down. I sat next to them. "Naruto, he wont stop crying. I'm worried- and how does he have the Kyuubi's chakra?" Hinata asked. I gently took him from her. I noticed the slight burns on where she had been holding him. The chakra didnt burn me as I have Kurama's chakra in me. "Kyuubi went to beast Heaven yesterday. I still have his chakra, but in order for there to be balance, he had his kit be born inside Jisedai's mind. His kit is most likely trying to figure out what and who it is. I will have to have Ino to place me in Jisedai's mind so I can calm it down," I explained. The crowd seemed to accept this, and Ino stepped up. "Lord Seventh, are you sure this is safe? Having Kyuubi's son in a child?" she asked. I lightly sent a glare to her. "I held Kyuubi himself the night I was born," I replied. "Right..." she said, and began to start the jutsu. Soon I found myself in the mind of Jisedai. A little nine tailed fox was freaking out. I went up to it. It backed up. I knelt down. "Its alright. I wont hurt you," I said, in an assuring voice. It hesitantly calmed down, and came up to my hand. I softly pet its fur. "What am I?" it asked. "You are a special being. You're a tailed beast, you're the nine tailed fox, child of the original which was created by the Sage of Six Paths. I can show you everything, but you have to promise to be careful and not hurt Jisedai, whose mind you are in," I said. It nodded, & I put my finger on his head. I used Kurama's chakra to show him all of Kurama's memories. It took a solid hour, but time travels twice as fast in the mind. When it woke up, a look of sadness appeared on its face. "So Daddy is with your parents and his previous hosts?" it asked with sadness. "Yes," I replied, just as sad. "And since I'm inside Jisedai, and genderless, he can reproduce with a male if he desired to?" it asked. "Yes, but I wouldnt tell him that yet," I replied. "Okay! I want to name myself KJ! Kurama Junior!" it said. I ruffled his fur. "Thats fine. Most people will probably call you the Kyuubi though. Also, can you retract your chakra? You sort of burned your Momma," I said. "I'm sorry Papa!" it whimpered and did as I asked. "Its alright, KJ. I'm gonna go now," I said. It leaped into my lap, licking my face happily. "I'll be good. I promise!" KJ said before I felt Ino pull me back to my actual body. Opening my eyes, I saw everyone looking at me. Even Jisedai. His eyes were different. His left eye was blue like mine, & his right eye was light purple like Hinata's. His skin, of course, was tan like mine. He also had whisker marks on his cheeks, like me. And a little bit of dark blue hair, like Hinata's, was on his head. He was also small, like I was as a baby. Yet I sensed strong chakra coming from him, aside from KJ's. "What did you do to calm him?" Hinata asked. "I talked to the Kyuubi's kit," I replied. "Is that all you did?" she asked, one of her eyebrows raised. "No, I also showed him all of Kyuubi's memories," I replied. "Do you think that was wise? No offense Lord Seventh, but if it knows that we imprison it in someone, dont you think it'd despise us and try to attack?" someone asked. "No, it wont. Well as long as me, Hinata, and Jisedai are alive," I replied. "How do you know that?" Ino asked. "Well, it thinks of Hinata as its mother, me and Kyuubi as its fathers, and it promised it wouldnt hurt Jisedai," I replied. As I said that, Jisedai tugged on my shiori (is that what its called). He then pointed at Hinata. Hinata smiled and took him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2019 ⏰

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