Finding You Pt. 2

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I lost track of time ever since I locked myself in my apartment. Dan having the opportunity to kiss and hold Chris is nerve racking. I hate it.
I know Chris's party wasn't long ago. The other night. People have been knocking at my door, and if my phone wasn't dead, I would probably hear it go off every second.
I suddenly hear a loud pound on the front door and then hear Chris yelling.
I hesitately get up and change into different clothes quickly. I go and open the door, facing the beautiful blonde boy. "Seb.. "

*Chris pov*
"Seb..", I see not the cheery, bright Sebastian but a pale and sleep deprived Sebastian who looks like he's clinging onto life. "Come here", I pulled him into a hug then suddenly pull away. "Seb! When's the last time did you shower???", he sighed, keeping his head down. "Alright then.", I walked in and lead him to his bathroom. " I'm gonna cook dinner. You shower, mister.", I walk out and start making him food.

*Sebastian pov*
He left me in the bathroom to shower. I breathe and get into a shower and wash thoroughly. Many others may have came to see if I would answer but Chris wasn't gonna take my silence. I wish I could stop loving him but it's difficult when the man practically knows you from head to toe.
I get dressed and walk out to the smell of bacon and eggs. My living room and kitchen appear to be neater and the curtains were pulled back, almost blinding me with the sun shining through.
"Sebby, you are gonna eat then you are going to explain to me what's wrong." He set the plate down in the table, I looked at him, rejecting at him but he then growled at me, with a stern look.
"Alright. Fine, bărbat chipeș", I get a more glare look from Chris as he seemed to be convince I called him a bad name. I actually just said 'handsome man' but he'll never know.
" Seb, I know you're upset but you need to talk to me.", he sat down. The glare immediately disappeared to worry to completely scared. "Please talk to me, Seb", he grabbed and held my hand. I shivered as I felt electricity  go down my body. " N-nothing", he then got stern again in his voice and face, "Sebastian".
I squeeze my eyes shut then finally speak.
" When I was dancing with you, I fell in love even more then I already was with you. I knew it was wrong but it felt right. Then Dan came in and kisses you and you told him you loved him. I wished it was me. I wish it wasn't Dan. I wished Dan never showed up.... But we can't get what we wish for..... Chris, I'm in love you. I said it. Happy?"

*Chris pov*
"..... Chris I'm in love you. I said it. Happy?"
I was stunned but not entirely. I should have paid attention. The way he was there more than Dan. Had the perfect gifts, the right things to say, and the promises he never broken. He planned and decorated my party.
I sit there, keeping my grip on his hands. I then look at him. "Seb... I'm in love with you too.... But... " I paused, I can see the pre-pain of rejection on his face already, "I can't.... I can't do this to Dan... ".

*Sebastian's pov*
".... I can't do this to Dan", I then shudder and look down. "Okay", I simply say. I slowly start to eat as he then later volunteered to clean up my apartment.
The tension was too much. Half of me wanted to pull him into a kiss and the other half wanted to smack him for staying in a relationship that isn't going to last for too long.

It's been a few months since Chris and  I's confession to each other. Chris is still with Dan but I don't hang out with Chris as much as I usually did.
Suddenly, Dan has been home more frequently. Hanging out and being with Chris.
I cringe at the thought of what they may be doing with all that time alone together.
I then get up and was about to bang my head on the wall when suddenly the doorbell rings.
I open the door, it was Scarlett, she's the only person who knew about my feelings before Chris heard my confession. "Hey, Sebastian. How you holding up?", I sighed and looked at her directly, " What is it, Scarlett?", she straighten herself out and handed me a card.
"..... Chris and Dan.... They're engaged..."
I then stared at the card, practically hearing my whole heart breaking into a million pieces.
"G-good for them", I choked a bit then look at Scarlett, she gave me a sad smile, "Chris really wants you to be there at the party."
I then thought about then shook my head, "no... I won't survive. Scarlett, I can't", I handed her back the invitation and locked myself back inside the apartment.

I turned my phone off because the people who didn't know about my crush would be spamming me with updates about what's happening at Chris and Dan's engagement party.
I don't care.
I continued to watch a movie until there was a sudden knock on the door. I go and walk up to the door and look through the peep to see Chris standing out there, tapping his foot rapidly as he was casual formal clothing.
I open the door, "Chris I told Scarlett-" I suddenly cut off by a pair of warm lips connecting mine. Chris had kissed me.
"Seb, just hush and let me inside", Chris said as he pushed me inside, closing the door behind him.

A/N: Heyyyyy I know this one isn't as long but I'm going through some things at the moment. AGAIN! I TAKE REQUEST!! So please please 😫🙏🙏💓 I will tag you and everything.

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