Seventeen: Pain

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Without love.


I can't get enough.


I like it rough.

I'd rather feel pain then nothing at all.

That song has been playing off my IPod for the past few days. Ever sense Adam cheated off of me that is. Sense I tried to kill myself. And believe me, I've been trying. I haven't let anyone inside the house either, not even Ashley. I've kept the front door locked, my bedroom door locked, and the bathroom door locked. Only because I've been sitting in the bath tub listening to that song.

Everyone has been knocking on my door, even Adam. Adam once stayed up leaning on my front door for six hours straight, and I still didn't let him in. I mean, if I wouldn't let Ashley in, did he REALLY think I would let him in? After what he did to me?

That boy needs to take a hint. But, before you know it, he'll be gone for PAX East for about a week, when I can start letting Ashley in. But then, I heard someone pull up outside. Curious to know who it was, I stepped out if the tub and looked out the window. But it was just Alesa's car. But, Alesa and Shelby both ran out and started banging on the door screaming 'Jade we need your help.'

They were all I had left, and I didn't want to lose them. So, I slowly stepped out of the bathroom and walked downstairs. My hand shook as I slowly opened the door. Alesa and Shelby looked surprised to see me again, but also happy.

"Jade! You... Actually opened your door!" Alesa said.

"What do you need help with?" I asked, my voice cracking.

"Ashley isn't right. She's been crying in her bedroom sense last night and nobody knows why. She won't answer any of our calls or messages. Can you please come make sure she's okay?" Shelby asked. I didn't want to, but Ashley was my best friend. So I did.

Ten minutes later we were at Ashley's house. We all knocked on the door, no answer. The door was unlocked, so we all went inside. We heard sobs coming from Ashley's room, so we all went inside. Ash was crying into her pillow, and she didn't even notice us.

"Ash...?" Alesa asked as her and Shelby sat in the edge of her bed.

"Go away!" Ashley sobbed.

"Ashley, there's someone here that wants to say hi," Shelby smiled. Ashley slowly lifted up her head, then she saw me. A smile crept upon her face.

"Jade!" She said, I walked over and hugged her.

"Hey," I said.

"I've missed you," she replied.

"I missed you too," I smiled. "What happened?"

Ashley sniffled, then paused. "He dumped me."

"What?" We all asked.

"He fucking dumped me. After three fucking years he dumped me for Savannah. I swear to God I am going to stab that girl in her fucking fake ass boobs," Ashley continued, making all of us laugh.

"Its okay Ash, I know how it feels-"

"No you fucking don't. Adam didn't leave you for Brook. He was drugged and you know that," Ashkey snapped.

"He had sex with Brooklyn and got her pregnant-"

"You don't fucking get it! Adam and you were perfect! But then you made the idiotic move of dumping him. You fucking did this to yourself. I didn't! YOU dumped HIM!" Ashley screamed in my face.

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