The Sorting

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Lily P.O.V
I finally had a gasp of air. I had just had an Asthma attack! I was scared. Then my brothers told McLaggen "Stay away from Lily,McLaggen or you will have us, to deal with!" Oh my gosh had I just been forbidden to see him? Yes! Thank god, he was really weird. Then Al had to say "Scorpious if you don't mind, can you keep an eye on these two. Make sure nothing goes on?" Malfoy had replied with an "Ok, sure!" Before my brothers left.

I hated being watched by this kid! I was old enough to think for myself, before.....

Scorpious P.O.V
I looked at Lily, she was reading a book called, The Lion,The Witch, And The Wardrobe. She looked up to see me looking at the cover. She then said " If you want, I can lend you this book when I am done. If you want though." I had no idea what it was and said "No thanks, Lily." Then her cousin got into the room and exclaimed "Get into your robes, were almost at HOGWARTS!!" They left the compartment and Albus came into this one.

"Hey Scorpious, I have a simple question." exclaimed Albus. I reasponded with "What Albus?" His face smiled like something was up. "You fancy Lily, my sister don't you." But, I just can't tell him I like his sister so I had to come up with an excuse for it! "No, no, I don't like, like her, I like your cousin Rose not Lily." Albus, of course response was "uh uh."
*Sorting Ceremony*
Lily's P.O.V
After the sorting hat had finished the song our names were going to be called. I was really scared. Al hoped I would be in Slytherin, but James hoped I would be in Gryffindor. Now, I was really nervous! When Headmistress Mcgonnigal called my name I sat. The sorting hat sat in a pause then finally said, "Slytherin!!!" This could not be right, but I had to go over to the Slytherin table now. Al greeted me nicely and James was now as red as my hair. I don't know if I belong in Slytherin.
Albus P.O.V
As the sorting hat had yelled "Slytherin!!!" I was full of joy, now I was not the only one in my family that was in Slytherin. Even Scorpious, had started turning red. So, Lily came over to our table and Scorpious told her to sit next too him. That was crazy weird because literally, last I checked Scorpious had a crush on Rose, not Lily!! So I asked Scorpious, "Why do you have Lily right there?" Of course he reasponded with, " So she can see what's going on!." Ok, Lily is small, but she will still be able to see what's going on. Clearly a bad excuse.
Scorpious P.O.V
When Al asked that question my response was horrible. I did have a crush on Rose, but something in Lily made me like her. She was cute and in Slytherin. The green will match her eyes, which is another thing I love about her. Also, she looks good in green, in my opinion. Now, I could also get too now this Potter and who knows what else. But, when I looked over, Mc Laggen was talking too Lily. It looked like something like he was flirting with her.
He is 4 years older than her, 4 years!! If he were too date her, her brothers would freak!! But, I want to see where this goes, hopefully she will realize that many other people are better to be with, better than the Mc Laggen's anyways.

Dear reader,
I am updating this on Harry's birthday. I have had a hectic schedule. So updating will be stuff. But, I am hoping to start a schedule on when I update soon. Next week I might put out a few chapters, but it might also be another few months before I add the next chapter. Also, should James date Alice Longbottom? Comment!!
(Original update of this was on his birthday, not now)

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