My bad

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I feel like chpt 14 was booty yall. Like. Juss. Idk. Damnit. But I gotta Chem test tmrw. 😕

Can I vent? I needa vent.

Whhyyyyy do people constantly put themselves in situations that they KNOW they don't like to be in?

Like people have such high expectations for people when they know that they'll never fall through.

Like endless hope.

Waking up day after day hoping that things will just miraculously Change like no boo.

You gotta put in work to get a outcome that's acceptable.

Nothing in life is just handed to you so don't sit there an wait on things to happen.

Sometimes things won't go how you think they should go but bruh that's life.

Like I don't understand why things happen to me.

I don't understand why the person I like doesn't like me

I don't understand why my heart got broken

I don't understand why people walk out of my life

I don't understand why my pops ain't here.


I can't change no of that.

I can't make people do something that they don't wanna do so I juss gotta learn to except that.

I wish things went differently and if I could go back in time to change things I defiantly would. But I can't.

So I guess that's what life is.

Accepting the things you can't change...


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