Chapter 8 Shirt

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Regina felt her jaw clench in nerves, and she couldn't help bite her lip a little harder than usual. Killian stood and held his blue flannel shirt out to her. "Go shower off maybe? There's a game on I bet," he smiled kindly.

"Right," Regina finally let her breath out. 

She grasped the shirt in her hand and gave him a soft smile as his casual natural wink flicked again making Regina gulp.

Regina headed into the bathroom and got the now sticky beer coated shirt off. She hopped into the warm steamy shower and put her hair out of the way in a messy half bun. 

Now cleaned of beer, she dried off, and undid the buttons on the clean flannel Killian handed her. 

She had some white underwear left and put them on first. His shirt was large on her, and came down to her thighs, and she rolled the sleeves halfway up. 

Regina's POV

Why on earth am I staring at myself in the mirror so much? Maybe because I have to go out there without pants on, and I'm in his shirt? I mean that's obviously it. This shirt is clean and yet it still smells like him. Oof. 

Regina headed out of the bathroom and Killian was sitting at the end of the bed, with his feet on the floor and the remote in his hand. 

"Found a game..." he managed to get out before he gaped a little and lost all his train of thought looking at her. 

Her hands were by her lower hips and trying to keep from moving or rather the shirt from moving as she walked forward. 

Killian's POV

O...k that's unbelievably sexy, and soft and just perfect. Stop it Killian, she's like seven years younger than you, well closer to eight. But it's not like a hundred years right? How is she so precious looking?

Her eyes grew curiously as she looked at him a moment. "It umm, suits you a bit," He uttered. Regina had no response for that and just let her face smile at him. A shy, and small smile. 

Killian's eyes couldn't help but direct downward to her bare legs and her feet moving nervously on the carpet. 

Looking back up at her, she met his eyes again. "Your head okay?" He asked. "You want to check it?" She whispered. 

"Perhaps..." he muttered at her with a tilt to his head.

She walked towards him and was inches from his feet. 

Regina's POV

Don't do anything stupid Regina. But ugh look at him sitting there. It's weird to look down at him, but there is no way I'm running this, he is. I wouldn't know what to do anyway. 

Killian's eyes shimmered to Regina and he couldn't help take the earlier 'almost kiss' to heart. Gently he takes her hands, and leads her to stand between his knees. 

Regina's POV

Oh boy

Their breaths meet each other in a synching rhythm, as he looks up at her and gently places his hands on her hips, but under the shirt hanging over there. Her breathing hitches as he stares at her not breaking any eye contact. 

"You're getting goosebumps," He says softly at her. "Yeah well, your hands are big there," She says, feeling like a fool without a clever witty thing to say, or anything sexy.

"Mmm," he presses his lips together staring at her and gently squeezes the sides of her hips. "I ummm..." She breathes anxiously. 

"Haven't been with anyone," He finishes her thought with an assumption that he is, "Correct, how did you know?" She asks timidly.

"White panties," He smirked playfully. "Really? That gives it away?" She blushed. "Well when there's no lace or anything and they're just cute and plain and simple, kind of, plus I can just tell how I touch you," he circled his fingers on her hips.

"Oh.." she breathed. "I'm not like Graham... I don't do this," he shakes his head. She nods silently at him, not sure what that means. 

Regina's POV

Meaning? He's not a womanizer basically looking for bed mates. I knew that much. I liked his hand on me, and he kept looking at me in my eyes and he slid his hand up a bit, standing now looking at me, now taller over me. 

Killian's hand found her cheek, and held it gently, leaning downward slightly, he kisses the cut on her head where the small bandaid covers. 

She closes her eyes feeling his soft scruff on that spot, and opens them to see his eyes glistening at her once more. 

With a wanting force, and anticipated moment, he takes her face to his and the kiss begins. 

Regina's POV

Ok it's happening, I hope I kiss right. I just moved with him, and moved into him. He was a good kisser, he moved over my mouth exploring it, and I felt his tongue flick against my lips, and his lips almost pushed it open. GOD that's amazing. I felt my knees going weak as his hand found the small of my back. 

Killian's lips moved down to her neck, and he nuzzles against her cheek gently. His hand, with obviously talented fingers, reaches down the back of the shirt, lifting it up.

Her rounded bottom in the soft cotton is touched by his hand. 

*Loud Knocking*

Killian scoffs annoyed and rolls his eyes. "What?!" He yells. "Just checking on our little writer," Neal shouts through the door. 

"She's fine! GOODNIGHT!" Killian yells. Regina giggles at him, "Why are they always interrupting?" He gets calm and soft again and tugs her towards him.

"Do you want to?" He asked. "Or we just watch a game," He says softly. 

Regina picks up the remote off the bed, and shuts the Tv, and sits down on it. 

Looking up at him nervously, he steps forward and kneels on the bed as she scoots back. 

Nervous, but excitement building deep inside her and between her legs, Regina relaxes backwards letting him take over her body.  Killian holds himself up and kisses her again. 

Gently, he reaches his hand to the elastic around her lower abdomen to remove the soft white material from her privates.

Regina gulps, and has never been naked like this with a man, he unbuttons him own shirt and she does the one she's wearing of his.

"Mmm keep mine on and unbuttoned," he says sultrily in her ear as he pushes his own off his shoulders. 

Regina shivers, and feels vulnerable, as he kneels between her knees. "Just tell me to stop if you need," he said.

Gently he circles fingers against her crotch, and the silky moisture touches his fingers. "Deep breath, I'll go slow," he whispers leaning down to her.

With ease and tenderly, he places himself moving inward. "Mmm," she grunts feeling her virtue ready to break from his girth. "You ok?" he pulls backward, "Mmhmm," she nods. 

Regina's POV

It felt stinging a bit as he pressed through breaking my virginity, then it started to get smoother and wet, my body liked him. I liked him even more. 

"Well now my last shirt is dirty," he breathes, over her. She giggles under him and leans up to kiss him.

"You ok?" He asked. "Yeah, guess I need to get different underwear," She said. A grin came over his face as his hand went into her hair. "Mmmm," he pressed his nose against hers. 

A/N -- well they're done for and head over fucking heels.. i would say.... wouldn't you? 

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