Chapter 1 - The Big Move

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Abby's Voice-  Hi My Name is Abby Marie and this story is about my life and other things that you may or may not know, I am going to tell you about my entire life, Now i know this may all sound strange but when you hear everything you will know and understand everything..... Lets begin Shall we.


Abby Narration- When i was 9 years old i lived with my mom and Big Brother, life was great until my dad wanted to take me for a few years because he rarely saw me when i was younger. And you know what, My mom let him. Let me tell you that year was horrible, one because i had to go with my dad, and two i had to say goodbye to my best friend Brady. 

Young Brady- Do you Really half to go?

Young Abby- Yes.

Abby's Voice- Brady Always had my back, i was such a lucky girl to have such a great friend.

Young Brady- Well, No matter where you go i will always be here for you. 

Young Abby- Thank you Brady.

Abby's Voice- Now i'll admit at that time we were young so what if he left and i came back hoping he would be their? Well there will be a time i tell you that story but not yet.

Abby Narration- It took about 24 hours to get to Washington, the hole flight was long and boring all i could do was sit and do nothing minus eating those gross airplane peanuts. i soon decided to think about what my dad did for his job.

Abby's Voice- Let me just say that the house was so big it was insane.

Abby's Dad- Welcome to your new home for a while Abby.

Young Abby- Cool.

Abby Narration- My dad never really got to know me when i was little so now he was taking all the chances he could. When we got there he put my stuff in my room and we both changed into are bathing suits then went out in the backyard and jumped in the pool. About a week later he left for work in Chicago. 

Abby's Voice- So much for Family Time.

Abby Narration- After my dad left his girl-friend for about 4 years would come home late at night and bring home guys from bars to the house. 

Abby's Voice- Back then i did't know what a Bar was, but now i do.

Abby Narration- One night when she brought a guy home i told her that my dad would be very mad at her if he found out what she was doing. And every single time i said that she would threaten to beat me. The first time i told her she threw me out in the pouring rain, i knocked on the door for a good 6 minutes then i just left. Soon i came to a bus stop that had a bench, so i crawled under it and fell asleep. 

Abby's Voice- I can only imagine how my dad felt when he found out i was missing. Oh and she told him everything that happened, minus the bring guys home. 

Abby Narration- It took them a while to find me, and when they did my dad picked me up and hugged me, he then said that he was sorry and asked me if i was okay. I told him yes. We then went home, when we got there he ran and grabbed me a towel and wrapped me in it. Soon after i was all warm and in clean clothes he started asking me questions, but i did't answer then because i did't want to get in trouble with his girl-Friend. Two Days later i started school.

Abby's Voice- It was Alright i guess, i met a lot pf people that did't really like me that much but i did't pay attention to them. 

Abby Narration- Those few years at my dad's house were horrible, but i had something to always look forward to my birthdays. Although they never turned out great. And every time my dad left i had to deal with the evil Girl-Friend and all the guys that came into our house. Things began to change for my when i turned 14 teen and i wished i had my mom there with me. Soon after my dad came home i decided to have a talk with him. 

Abby's Dad- Abby you would tell me if things were happening at home when i leave right?

Abby's Voice- At that point i did't want him to worry, but the next topic was just as hard to bring up.

Teenager Abby- Listen Dad, I love being here and all, but i miss mom, Aaron and Brady.

Abby's Voice When i said Brady's name he acted like he never heard that name before and i was right, he did't. 

Abby's Dad- Who's is Brady?

Teenager Abby- He's my best friend..... So can i go home?

Abby Narration- At First i thought he would say No, but shockingly he agreed and thought it would be best if i went home.  After the talk i ran up the Stairs and started to pack my stuff. But his girl-friend Rebecca walked in and started to talk to me.

Rebecca- Well ,Well ,Well seems that you can keep a secret.

 Abby- I only did it to protect my dad from your lies. Although i could just see you getting yelled at and kicked out as we speck.

Rebecca- Oh Abby, listen since your leaving and your father works all the time i can do whatever i want.

Abby's Voice- Rebecca, at that moment you made me not care about my dads feelings even though i should have. 

Abby Narration- I grabbed my stuff and ran down Stairs to my dads office, when i ran in he looked at me as if he knew what was going on. But he asked me instead.

Abby's Dad- What's Wrong Abby?

Teenage Abby- Dad the real reason i want to leave is because i can't take it any of this anymore! I can't live under the same roof as Rebecca! I did't want to tell you because she would always threaten to beat me if i told you......

Abby's Dad- Tell Me What Abby?

Teenage Abby- When you leave she would go out to a bar and find guys, bring them home and hook up with them. 

Abby Narration- He grabbed my bags and put them  in the car and he went back inside to find Rebecca. I just sat in the car thinking if i did the right thing or not. About 5 minutes later my dad walks out while Rebecca runs after him, but he just got in the car, started it and drove away back to Ireland. 

Abby's Voice- Sorry Dad.

Abby's Narration- When we got there i was greeted by my mom and Brother Aaron. Aaron was a big time Nerd, He loved Comics, Shirts with superheros on them, collector items. But he mostly loved his room, only because it looked like a comic book threw up all over it. My Mom and dad if you did't get already our Divorced, but they both have good lives and two good kids. 

Abby's Voice- People honestly thought that we were the perfect family, but their's no such thing as perfect is their?

Abby Narration- When my mom and dad started talking i decided to go up-stairs and unpack my stuff.I remember when i was little my dad got me a Husky Stuffed animal before the divorce. I would carry it around everywhere. After i unpacked i laid on my bed and found my Husky and held it tight like i would't see him again, what i did't know was that i would't.

Abby's Voice- If i knew i would't be seeing my dad again i would have said that i forgive him for leaving. I wish i told him but now i can't. 

Abby Narration- That day was Alright i guess, i got to go home, but i ruined my dad's relationship with that no good girlfriend of his. On second thought it was't a good day at all, and it keeps getting worse because now that i am 14 teen i get to start High-School. I can only Imagine what this is gonna be like. 

Abby's Voice- So this First Chapter was about my life with my dad and his mean little brat of a girlfriend. So you must be thinking, what does this half to do with anything? . Well is was the start of everything. And the next big thing is starting High-School, These next two chapters are good ones. So keep listening and don't skip ahead you might miss something important... well how could you Chapter 2 is not even out yet..


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