Chapter 2- Time for High-School

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Abby's Voice- How would you Describe your first day of high-school? Scary, unpleasant, did you get that uneasy feeling in your stomach? well that's exactly how i felt my first day of high-school. I also felt like everyone was staring at me......

Abby Narration- Freshman year i had P.E, it was't fun at all because all the girls would make fun of me for being too tall or too skinny . My mom taught me that none of that mattered, that those girls were just jealous of what i had. A few days later in the locker room i was changing and i heard a phone take a picture, i thought that they were taking pictures of themselves. But i few minutes later i got a message and it was a picture of me in the bathroom stall changing out. I could't understand why those girls did what they did. But above all of that a freshman girl walked over to me and introduced herself. 

Abby's Voice- Gabby Carson....

Gabby- Hi, My name is Gabby, What's your name?

Abby- Nice to meet you , My Name's Abby.

Abby Narration- And Ever since that day we have been good friends. We would do everything together, we were insane when we were together. The next year finally came, Sophomores.... we hung out even more, Did homework together, Sleepovers, Cooking contests, Just everything. And when their was a party we would ask our parents if we could go together. 

Abby's Voice- Why am i Talking about Gabby you must be thinking... Well let's find out.

Abby Narration- Sophomore year was good and all until we went to the biggest party of the year. well at least for us, so we asked our parents if we could go and they said okay as long as we're back at 9 o'clock. 30 minutes later i decided to send out a picture i took of those girls drunk in P.E and running 5 laps, then Gabby came and we left to the party. And when we got there we went inside and got some soda and started talking to people. 

Abby's Voice- I know you're itching to know why this is about Gabby, Just wait a second.

Abby Narration- Well it turns out those girls from P.E were there and one of them came up and punched me in the face and started cursing at me. i did't know what to do so i just got up and turned to Gabby but the girls turned me around and started punching me again over and over again and Gabby just stood their and watched. And to make it worse a bunch of people were filming it and not doing anything about it. I did nothing because i had never been in a fight before and it scared me. But then as i was laying on the floor my hair was a mess, My nose bleeding, and  black eyes I heard a voice say something.

Brady-  Hey That's Enough Sabrina!

Sabrina- Do you even know what she did!

Brady- I don't care to be honest Now Leave!!!

Abby Narration- And just like that she left, i had my eyes beaten shut so i could't see the guy that helped me. He then helped me up and  told me he was taking me to the bathroom to clean me up, He told me that i would have a major headache and so he gave me a Tylenol.

Abby's Voice- At the time all i remember was Gabby just staring at me with a blank face. She did nothing to help a friend and that Gabby Carson is why you are being talked about in this Chapter. 

Abby Narration- I called my parents and told them to come pick me up since Gabby left after the fight. About 5 minutes after i called my mom and Aaron showed up, and that guy that helped me during the fight helped me outside and  into my mom's car and after i was buckled up i just passed out. The next day at school everyone was looking at me, probably because of the band-aids on my face or maybe my Black eye. I saw Gabby in the Hall and decided to talk to her. 

Abby- What was last night about?!

Gabby- What are you talking about?

Abby- Not Helping me and just leaving After the fight happened!

Abby Narration- After that i walked away, i said everything i needed to say to her. And i was also still wondering who that guy was that helped me Last night. All i need to do is remember. 

Abby's Voice- Let Me tell you this, i eventually forgave her. Just because she did one bad thing dose't mean she is a bad person. I can understand that she was scared and did't know what to do. So don't blame Gabby... she was nothing but a good friend in the end.


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