True Hell

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The van has finally stopped, I've been in here for around an hour I guess. I wonder where we are? Is Max going to come and get me or am I going to be left in here?... I can hear footsteps...It's him and he's put out his hand to help me again, still no chance I'm taking it.

"I'm sorry Eleanor, but I have to blind fold you, and tie your hands so it looks like  you didn't come willingly"


I'm only doing as you ask because I don't want to get hurt, I can ask questions late-

"Ouch! Not so tight"


You should be. First you kidnap me, then you tie me up! This must be a cult or a black market trade for young girls, they're supposed to be worth more in bits. Now I'm really worried. I can't see a thing, where is he taking me? The floor's changed, we must be inside now, but it's still so cold.

"Almost there Eleanor"

Good, this suspense is killing me, even before they do. We're in a different room now, I think we're alone because I can't hear anyone else.

"Are we there?"

"Yes, sit and wait here, I'll be back as soon as I ca-"

"P-please don't leave me...I'm scared"

"I know but I'll explain everything when I get back and I won't let them hurt you, I promise"

Did he seriously just kiss my head, he really has lost it. Can't he at least remove the blindfold so I can see what's around me? He's gone now... I'm all alone...


She's not just scared, she's petrified and this is all his fault. I have to report to him now, and he'll get a lot more than just my daily report, that I'm sure of. What the hell happened to him to make him so twisted and feel the need to drag his sons into it. Seb has been doing this for years and he's insane so he loves it but it's Jay's first year and he really hates it. He's not cut out for this, he's smart, he should be at Uni using that big brain of his for something important and legal. But I can't protect him forever, one day he's either got to escape or toughen up. If he doesn't, that could be the end of my little brother.

"Father, it's Max"

"Come in, how's your report looking."

"Higher than average, that's not the main reason I'm here to see you though."

"What do you want?"

Of course he's blunt, he doesn't care about anything but business, he never has.

"The girl I just acquired, I'd like to keep her as my own-"

"Fine, I did think it was about time you had a maid-"

"And I don't want to see Jay wasting away in this business when he can do so much better."

"Don't even say it-"

"Send him to university, I'll pay his tuition but please, just let him go."

I can't afford that but I'll make it work, somehow. I have to, for Jay's sake.

"Not a chance, he can't leave, ever"

"What did we do to deserve a father-no, boss like you!"

"Don't speak to me like that!"

Now I have his attention

"Then act like a decent father-"


Wow... he really hit me, what a father he his. I knew he was capable of it but I never though that he would actually do it.

"Don't test me again! now get out"

Don't worry, I don't want to look at your sorry excuse for a face ever again.


 I've been gone for quite a while, she probably thinks that I've abandoned her. I should get back to her now before she looses all hope of my return, or one of the guys finds her.

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