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Trigger warning: Drugs, mild rape, domination

I rolled over on the dirt, rubbing my eyes as my vision focused. He wasn't there? I could have sworn Hatter had fallen asleep right next to me.

Sitting up, I looked around the forest, scared and confused. "Hatter?" I asked the emptiness nervously. "Hatter?" This time I was a bit louder.

"Pipe down! They're probably everywhere!" He hissed, coming up from behind me. He had two cups of tea in his hands, and I looked at him like he was crazy. He only shrugged and handed me one of them. "Nabbed 'em from the casino last time we were there. Didn't think they would miss 'em." I rolled my eyes, chuckling. Bringing the hot cup to my lips, I took in the tea with excitement. It had been quite awhile since I last had anything to drink; or eat, for that matter.

"So... you're dead set on going home then?" He asked, holding his cup between his pulled up knees. I looked down, feeling my chest grow heavy. Was I still tired? Probably just the morning. "You said yourself you don't like it there. Why not just stay here? Make a proper life for yourself."

"Because I don't belong here!" I snapped, sighing and taking another sip of my tea. "This isn't my world. I'm not used to -"

"But it could be!" He interrupted me. He sounded almost desperate. "I could teach you! Everything you need to know!"

"And then what?" He paused, drawing back and looking down like a wounded puppy.

"And then... we could grow old together..." I couldn't hear the last part. I was too focused on not spilling my tea as I set it down; my muscles suddenly felt tired, like I had worked them in a gym for a week straight. I didn't want to move them. Leaning back against a tree, I noticed Hatter smile and stand, before pouring out his tea into the dirt.

"Sorry love. Couldn't resist." He pulled from his pocket a clear bottle with a thin black liquid inside. Squinting, I could make out the label on the bottle; submission. He had spiked the tea with emotion. "Saw it with the tea. Must be how the queen keeps some of her suits in check. Though... I may've over done it..." His eyes sparkled with mischief as he moved closer and brushed a strand of blonde hair out of my eyes.

"You're so beautiful..." He whispered. "And the one person to see it you just push away." His thumb trailed down my jaw line. His eyes swept over my face, pausing at my parted lips that I was taking long, deep breaths from. Brushing his thumb over those as well, he soon moved his face forward and connected our lips. They were so soft and warm; and he tasted like honey. I leaned into the kiss, never wanting this blissful feeling to end. And apparently, neither did he. He pressed his hands against the tree just above my shoulders, and swung his leg over my body so he was sitting on my waist. I pulled my hands up to his thighs, and gripped his dark pants. Thoughts of the future melted away; all that mattered was the taste of his lips, the warmth of his skin.

He slid off his jacket, then quickly returned their hands to where they belonged. He ran in tongue over my lips, begging for entrance. I opened them gladly, wanting to feel as much of him as possible. The side effects of the emotion wore off, and I gathered strength in my arms again. Electing for now to ignore the red flag in my mind as my thoughts turned slowly to much, I snaked my arms over his shoulders and my fingers into his hair. I pushed off his hat, causing him to momentarily flinch. I opened my eyes - which I hadn't realized I has closed - to make sure he was ok, but he hadn't seemed to have reacted any further. So, closing them again, I curled his hair around my fingers, while his tongue won dominance in my mouth.

His hands moved downwards, inside my shirt where one cupped the small of my back and the other pulled at my front-hooking bra. I didn't move; hardly even reacted when he successfully unclasped my bra, leaving my breasts unguarded and vulnerable. His rough fingers found my nipple, and I moaned quietly as they massaged it. His hand behind my trailed up and down my spine, making me shiver.

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