(OUAT) Hatter x OC (WiP)

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(I'm just gonna publish this, even though I'm still working on it. Let me guess know what you think of the senses play. And I know it's kinda awkward, but I wanted to make it forceful without it being full-out rape. Idk. I'll probably change it.)

 Trigger warning: Mild rape, bondage, senses play (to be updated)

He pressed me against the wall, locking my calm hazel eyes with his wide brown ones. I was helpless, and both of us knew it; no one knew I was here, and even if they did, no one would expect this kind of thing from him.

He leaned his forehead against mine, his hot breath tickled my nose as he ran a hand down my side, making me shiver.

"Off with her head." His voice was distant; cold and gruff. Far different from the warm, albeit monotone voice that had soothed me in the shop. His lips danced across mine softly, and I could feel a light blush bloom on my cheeks. He apparently took this an invitation for more, as he quickly connected our mouths, sweeping his tongue over my lips to ask for entrance.

I attempted to turn away, confused at the sudden show of affection. He responded with a quick slap at my hip, causing me to gasp. There was no hesitation as he slid his thin tongue inside my mouth and easily claimed dominance. I had closed my eyes at this point, so I didn't expect him to pull out so soon. Fluttering them open, I was met with his coarse hair brushing against my face as his lips trailed down to my neck. He found my sweet spot, causing me to let out an involuntary squeak. He chuckled.

I let him pull me forward, feeling his fingers intertwine over the small of my back, which arched impulsively as he nibbled on my collarbone. My arms fell on his shoulders as he guided me away from the wall and onto the bed, laying me down gently. He pulled away, and looked me over for a few seconds. The way his eyes glittered with lust; it was like I was some sort of treasure to him - a precious gem that he longed for with all of his heart. Silently, he turned away from me, pulling off his scarf slowly. I watched with baited breath, and traced the scar line with my eyes. Poor thing.

He unbuttoned his vest as well, and tossed both of them to the side. This surprised me, as he was usually far more meticulous with his clothing. Turning back to me, he ran a hand through his hair and once again explored my body with his eyes. I hadn't moved an inch, far too transfixed on my boss and lover.

He approached, and connected our lips again. Passion flowed between us, and I hardly noticed as he slid down the sleeve of my sundress. I did, however, notice when he did the same to the other sleeve and began attempting to pull the dress down.

"Jefferson..." I whispered, breaking our kiss. I stopped his hand, glancing at his eyes. They were dark, like something had angered them. It scared me. Like insanity was breaking through his withdrawn, calculating façade. He jerked his hand out from under mine, and using both of them now, pulled my arms up above me. It hurt slightly, and I let out a gasp.

"Shut up," he snapped, leaning his forehead just below my neck. I watched his head rise and fall slightly with my heavy breathing before he lifted it and resumed kissing my neck. When I had calmed down slightly, he used one of his hands - the other keeping my arms above my head - to again pull at my sundress. I let out an annoyed moan, as he had connected our mouths again and wasn't letting me pull away. He bit down gently on my tongue, but still firm enough to let me know what was going to happen. He was going to have me; whether I liked it or not wasn't going to be a factor.

So, knowing a loosing battle when I saw one, I kept still as he fumbled with my dress. When it was finally off, he lowered his head to just above my breasts and ran his tongue over my skin, giving me chills. Looking up, he pulled open a cabinet and withdrew something that made me pale. A roll of silver duct tape, glinting slightly in the bedroom light. Furrowing my brows, but not daring to say anything, I watched him - with some minor difficulty, as he still had one hand firmly holding my wrists - unravel some of it. Holding the roll in his mouth, he looked back to me. The fire in his eyes had grown brighter. He pulled me upwards, and I felt my body slide against his bedding. When my hands bumped into the headboard, he leaned over and started his work.

He pressed my wrists against a rung in the headboard, and wrapped duct tape around them, securing them to the bed. When we both knew there wasn't a chance of my escape, he set the tape back in the cabinet and took a long, deep breath.

"I apologize for the following, Talia," he murmured, taking me aback. But his sudden kindness didn't last long, and he quickly turned and pressed his lips against mine. It was sudden, so I was easily overpowered when he thrust his tongue inside my mouth. But this wasn't the slow romantic kiss from before; no, I had that chance. And in his eyes, I had blown it. Now, I was completely at his mercy. He swept over my tongue, exploring every crevice of my mouth. Reaching his hand down, he hooked a finger inside my strapless bra and snapped it, making my back arch and a soft whimper escape my lips. He seemed to enjoy this, as a few seconds after I had relaxed - as much as I could, considering - into the bed, he snapped it again, causing me to whimper louder. He smiled against my lips, clearly liking the sounds I made when surprised.

His hand soon left the side of my bra, and moved to back of it, where it was clasped. Running a finger up and down my spine for a second or two, he easily unhooked my nude colored bra and pulled it off my chest. For a little while, he didn't seem to notice he had done it; he didn't touch or move to kiss my breasts, only kept his tongue swiping against my teeth, and his hands either supporting him or stroking my midriff, making me squirm occasionally.

Though finally, he did pay them attention, and even I couldn't deny that it felt good. The hand that had been tickling me moved upwards, fingers sliding against my sensitive left nipple. Cupping my breast, he reached up with his thumb and forefinger and pinched. Lightly at first, but enough to send sparks through my veins. As he steadily built up the pressure, I found my eyes drifting shut, my mind simply enjoying the moment, my mouth getting used to the taste of him. A part of me longed to touch him; to unbutton his shirt, run my hands through his hair, anything! But the tape at my wrists prevented it, no matter how much I tugged and twisted.

"One moment," Jefferson breathed, kissing my nose softly before leaving me entirely. I opened my eyes, confused. Had I done something wrong? I was just beginning to enjoy myself; why did he have to stop? I saw him at his closet, but I couldn't quite see what he was doing. When he returned, he had a strip of black fabric in his hand. "Hold still," he cooed as he leaned in and trailed kissed between my breasts. I bit my bottom lip, the teasing becoming rather annoying now. He looked up again, and brought the black fabric up towards my face, pressing it against my eyes. I closed them obediently, understanding what was happening. I may have been a virgin, but I was no stranger to erotica. He tied the blindfold behind my head, and I bent my right leg upwards, trying to get a feel for where he was. But I couldn't find him. His weight had left the bed, and I couldn't see anything through the blindfold.

But when I did feel something, it was relief. The tape holding my arms up was snipped, and my hands were guided down to a smooth, warm chest. I smiled softly as Jefferson allowed me to explore his torso, biting my lip as the tips of my fingers traced his abs. He chuckled, running his own hand down my stomach, making me blush lightly. It was amazing how different the sensation was without seeing him do it. He held my hands to the center of his chest as he swung his leg over my body and I could soon feel that his shirt wasn't the only thing he had removed. He leaned in close, and whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to slide your underwear off, so we're on even grounds, ok?" I nodded breathlessly, my hands sliding behind his neck and pulling him close. He didn't resist, but lifted up my hips so he could pull off my pale pink undies. I felt him gently lay me back down, and return his hands to me when he had tossed my panties to the side.

I shivered as he ran his hands over my body. No pinching, no kissing, just feeling each other. Memorizing the touch of each other's skin, the curves of each other's bodies. My hands left his back and trailed down his front again, eventually pausing as I found his v-shaped indentation, leading to his legs and length. I hovered there for a few seconds before Jefferson leaned down and sucked lightly on my earlobe.

"If you're curious, your welcome to explore," he whispered, brushing his hand up my arm and through my hair. I took in a shaky breath, deciding. I knew I was curious, and I knew he had just given me permission, but something about it felt... intrusive. But, when he moved from sucking on my ear to sucking and lightly nibbling my neck, I couldn't help it anymore. I wanted - no, needed to feel him. To know him, in every way.

I brushed my hand downwards, and drew in a quiet gasp when my fingers felt his length. It was, admittedly, bigger than I had imagined. The skin there was soft, and the shaft itself was hard. He was already turned on. I blushed darker, and I could hear him snicker.

"I won't bite," he assured me, again running his tongue over my lips. I gladly let him in, happy to taste him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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