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The room was pitch black when I opened my eyes. We had slept through the rest of the afternoon which I wasn't expecting. Without disturbing Amadeus' sleeping form, I reached over him and turned the lamp on so I could look around the room a bit. Before I got myself comfortable again, I snatched my phone off the bedside table and as soon as the screen was on, I saw a few texts from Indigo.

Indigo: You go girl 😉

Indigo: Must've been good if you both slept through dinner.

I felt my cheeks warm up as I sent a quick text back.

Katalin: Were we that loud?

Indigo: No (thank the goddess for thick walls) I went up to check on you when I got back from a bit of exploration and I could hear what was happening through the door.

Katalin: Phew. We'd never hear the end of it if everyone else could hear us

Indigo: So, how was it?

Katalin: I'll tell you all about it. Later.

Indigo: How about tomorrow when we're with Freya? I'm sure she'd love to hear all about it.

Katalin: Idk. Maybe

Indigo: Booooooooorrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg

Katalin: You're lucky I'm even considering it! Lol

Indigo: Yeah, yeah. Just enjoy your time with your mans.

Katalin: You don't have to tell me twice 😉

I laughed a little to myself before dropping my phone on the side of the bed that was unoccupied. I glanced up at Amadeus whose eyes were cracked open, but he was quick to shut them again when the light started flooding through.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily.

"I have no idea," I replied.

"Mmm." Was all he said.

"Not that I'm complaining," I shrugged. "Just shows how good we were."

We both sat up but he was on the edge of the bed so he could get to the pile of clothes on the floor. He tossed his shirt over his shoulder at me while he stood up to put his underwear back on.

"Hungry?" He asked.


"What do you want to eat?"

"Would it be weird to say pancakes?"

"Basic pancakes or...?"

I thought for a minute, "Blueberry."

"As you wish my Queen."

He grabbed his phone and dialed the number for the kitchen. I listened as he put in our order for pancakes as well as a few extra things like hot tea and bacon. I, on the other hand, made no move to get up. In fact, I got myself comfortable in bed again. It seemed like not long had passed when someone was knocking on the door and walking in with a serving cart of food. Amadeus helped him get the food off and he was off while we got to stuffing our faces. The next hour or so was filled with eating, talking, and a lot of laughter. Eventually, we had to force ourselves to go back to sleep since we both had things to do in the morning.


Unsurprisingly, we woke up late the next morning so while Amadeus went down to breakfast, I stayed upstairs to get ready for the day. A quick shower later and I was standing in the closet eyeing everything I owned. I looked at everything I had but there wasn't anything that I really wanted to wear. Eventually, I got frustrated because I couldn't find anything that I wanted to wear. When I heard to bedroom door shut, I quickly put on a pair of black shorts and an off the shoulder flowing top. I stuffed my feet into a pair of sneakers and walked out of my closet to see Indigo standing there waiting.

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