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In these Bucky will have his original arm and the memories of Hydra.

Scenario I. Life after Endgame was slow with Bucky, time moving like jelly. After Natasha's death, a part of him was missing. Both sides knew her, raised her even. And with Steve deciding the end of the line arrived, he didn't know what to do. If this had happened a few years ago, he wouldn't have lived to see the next morning. He seemed to have became a ghost again, only this time you knew where he was and that he was still alive, even if all he did was sit in his apartment.

Scenario II. After The Winter Soldier, Bucky had hidden again. It was all a big game of hide and seek, only he was always hiding. He met new people along the way, some helping him recollect his memories and some wanting to kill him. One day he came back on the grid, and that's when you once again go, but no longer see a completely destroyed man, but rather, a man with a small smile drawn on his lips, walking down the streets of a small market.

Scenario III. Bucky got over what happens in Endgame, not mad at Steve, knowing that his friend was happy and got his dream. He couldn't stay mad at that, and the line for Steve wasn't completely over. He makes friends with those around him, and even decides to jump in on the whole hero gig when Sam asks him for help after accepting the mantle as Captain America. With Zemo back and Agent Carter helping again, Demo couldn't do too much damage, or could he?

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