chapter 1

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Let's get a few things straight readers. This may have a little bit of Lukloe in it I know a lot of people disagree with Chloe and Luka together, but I actually like it. So you might not agree with everything in here. But I hope you enjoy!

Down in the Bourgeois hotel, Chloe walked down the halls in her usual pose. Confident, yet free. Her mother had just left yesterday, and Chloe wasn't really sure how she felt about that.

Thanks to Marinette, Chloe's mom Audry bourgeois had actually noticed her for once. It felt good to have a sort of normal mom for once, Chloe thought to herself.

She also wasn't sure what to think of her mother's behavior, which Chloe had been copying all her life. Maybe it was wrong to yell and demand things, and being more like Ladybug and helping people was the way to go. Still, Chloe found it hard to choose between which, so she had unusual behaviors at times.

As Chloe kept walking down the hall to the elevator, a worker from the hotel suddenly came up to her.

"Miss bourgeois, your father wants to speak to you," he said, trying to stay calm.

Chloe's face turned a little red. "How dare you interrupt my thinking!" she yelled absent-mindedly. When the worker jumped back in fear, Chloe changed her tone.

"Oh, whatever, just take me to my father," she said to the worker, whom she assumed was new.

He led her down the halls of the extravagant hotel, which Chloe found original and old. When they finally entered the mayor's office, Chloe's father sat at his desk, while other workers buzzed about him

"Would you like the meeting today or tomorrow?"

"Are you going to the butterfly park opening?"

"Should we schedule busy for the evening theaters inspection?"

A few of the workers said, all in a busy bust of work.

Mr. Bourgeois looked dreadfully tired, but his face lightened up when he saw Chloe.

"Ah, Chloe dear, you're here! Everyone, please leave, I must talk to my daughter." all the busy workers left, some still agitated and annoyed.

"What is it, daddy?" Chloe asked a bit annoyed herself.

"My dear, my work is toppling right on top of me! May I ask for a favor from you?"

"A favor, from me? No, I'm busy daddy." Chloe said, even if it wasn't quite true.

"I'm sorry to hear that dear. I just needed someone to entertain Mrs. Couffaine's children so we can discuss stuff about the city docks. Now I'm afraid we might have to cancel it if that's the case." Mr. Bourgeois said sadly.

Chloe tried not to feel a little remorse for her reply.

"That's not my problem daddy. Their music is too loud anyways."

"Please, Chloe dear, just this once? I really require your help. Now, what would Ladybug want you to do?"

When Mr. Bourgeois added Ladybug to the conversation, Chloe changed her mind.

"Fine, I can change my plans for tomorrow, but you owe me, daddy."

"My dear, thank you so much! You are a true hero." Mr. Bourgeois explained as Chloe left. The last few words of his made Chloe smile.

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