Out of the prison

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Maddie's pov

Hershel died yesterday. While i was taking care of Shawn, Chase, and Judith my dad killed him. He just chopped off his head. He set zombies loose throughout the jail and we all had to escape. Some people took the bus but I didn't have enough time to get on. Neither did Rick, Michonne , Carl, Allison, and Amber. So we all banded together and we found a small house

To hole up in, we all took stock of our supplies and this is what we had

• five blankets

•seven water bottles

•four canned goods

•two tubs of chocolate pudding

•three knives

•two guns

•threee sweaters

• one bottle of advil

• a package of band aids

•two backpacks

•three small teddy bears

•four jars of power formula

And that was it.

I looked over at Allison and i sighed softly. She still didn't find Josh. He just disappeared. It was horrible. At the moment i was sitting upstairs in the room that carl and I shared. There had been a nursery with a huge crib beside the room so we'd took it as our own.

I walked into the nursery and i checked to see that Judith, Shawn, and Chase were ok. They were all cuddled up together in the crib. I smiled at the sight of my beautiful babies.

I heard the door creek open behind me and i looked around and saw Carl walked in.

"Jeez Carl, trying to give me a heart attack?"

I grinned sheepishly at him and he chuckled softly. I looked at the sixteen year old boy in front of me, god he was sexy.

All of a sudden i felt a strong burning sensation on my arm and i pulled up my sleeve to reveal my bite. It was red and inflamed. Carl sighed softly at the sight, he was still trying to get me to tell everyone about my bite. Not gonna happen.

I looked away from the ugly red bite and i mentally sighed. I should have been dead by now and Carl knew that too. Hopefully my dad thought i was dead, i never found out what had happened to him. I let my thoughts stray away from that when i heard quiet cries. I looked and saw that it had been Chase crying. I picked her up and i started to gently rock her, i knew she wanted milk so i got my boob out of my shirt and i let her drink.

Once she was done drinking she immediately fell asleep but then Shawn woke up. I feed him as well and once he was done i watched over Judith. She had woken up about half an hour ago so thats why she wasn't hungry.

I got up and i was surprised to see that Carl was still there. I felt myself blush and i fixed my shirt. He let out a quiet sigh and i raised my brow at him. He finally grumbled out in a small voice

"I wish they were mine."

My eyes widened and i bit my lip.

"I wish that too Carl but i will love them no matter what."

He nodded at me and he smiled.

"I know. i love them like my own."

He looked adoringly down at them and i could feel myself swoon. Carl Grimes was all mine. I walked towards the bed and as soon as i was near it i collapsed

"Get over here Maddie!"

My dad smiled at me from outside of the house. I ran out and he hugged me and he picked me up. He pecked m on the nose and i let out a quiet giggle. It was my seventh birthday and my dad had decided that for my party there would be a BBQ.

Penny ran outside and she grinned at me, she was only two years old at the time. I hugged her tightly. I loved Penny ever since she was born and i knew she loved me too.

"Piggy back?"

She asked in her adorable little voice and i nodded. i picked her up on my back and i ran over to my friends.

"Hey Nicole, Sadie, and Claudia"

I had grinned at them and they all smiled back


They had called out happily. i heard Penny giggled which caused me to giggle as well.

My mom walked out and she announced it was time to open presents. the first one i grabbed was small, my mom had said it was from nana. I opened it up and inside was a stuffed bear.


I said quietly. i knew then and there that this bear would be my favourite possession forever.

I woke up and i felt a sinking feeling in my heart. Wubwub.... It was still at the jail. I started to sob and Carl ran in.


I could tell he was worried.


Was all i could manage out. i saw him smile and then he grabbed a red bear from under the bed. i had greedily grabbed it


I looked up at him and he laughed softly.

"I went back for him the other day."

I could feel my heart swell with pride as i looked up at Carl, my boyfriend.

"Carl Grimes. i love you."

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