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6th grade
January, 3, 2007
12:35 am

I sat on the concrete floor near the playground, waiting for all my friends. I see my friend, Ariana walking near me, but she's not alone.. She is with the popular girl, at least what people think she is.

Her name is Alexa. Tall skinny, everything ideal about her. It kinda makes sense why everyone likes her.

Ariana walks up to me with, Alexa and they straight up tell me "weirdo, go make some new friends, that are actually like you. NERD!"

*later that day*

Once school ends I run out of the building, faster than ever with tears running down my face. I take the crosswalk which is a long narrow bridge above the highway. I run, run all the way home, open the door and run to my room sobbing.

I throw my backpack into the corner of my room, creating a loud sound *BANG* I jump onto my bed, and cry myself to sleep.

I thought it would end there, that maybe Ariana was brainwashed by Alexa. Maybe my other friends would still be friends with me, like they always were.

The only thing is it didn't end there, there was much , much more to come my way.

January 4th 2007
12:40 am

Today I walked around looking for my other friends, Sarah, Maria , and Rihanna. I spotted them in the field, I ran towards them and said "hey guys, sorry it took me so long to find you!" They just looked at me with a look they never looked at me before.

Their pupils were huge as they stared at me like I was some sort of alien species they have never seen before. They said "we heard what happened yesterday, Alexa came up to you, she even started gossip behind your back," they all giggled besides me. She said you were a *****, who had no friends. A loner, a nuisance. We can't been seen with you and lose our reputation.

Once again I did the same I ran out of the school and ran home sobbing myself to sleep. It only got worse, I got cyber bullied. Kicked, spit on by other students. It only got worse until.... my senior year when I moved to a new town, a new school, a whole new start for me.

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