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Once I'm out of Laurance's room, the nurse looks down at me and smiles a soft smile. I feel safe, and my pervious conversation with Laurance has made me feel all giddy inside. I'd do a little dance to show how happy I am if it weren't for the fact that I can't get out of this chair. And the thing is, I don't know why I'm in this chair.

"Ma'am, if you don't mind me asking, how did I end up in a wheel chair?"

Her smile falters when she hears my words. She gives it a bit of time before she decides on how she wants to answer. It appears that they may know more than I do. All I remember is being hit with the baseball bat, blanking out, and then waking up to the police.

"Well, Y/N, you had suffered quite the beating. Your legs took most of the blow," she sighs, shaking her head softly when my mood suddenly switches. "But no worries! You'll be able to walk in no time. Nothing a bit of healing can't help." I nod my head at her, and I'm asked once more if there was anybody else I'd like to visit.

I ask if any other of my friends had been cleared for visitors, and she tells me that both Katelyn and Ryder still need some time and that Vylad was resting. Frankly I'm not too sure as of how I am to face Vylad, so I'm glad that he's resting. It gives me more time to think about what had happened today between the bleachers and now. Besides, I've already apologized to him, and I don't feel as horrid like I had before. Our conversation ends once we come in an agreement as of who I'd see next, and I'm taken to another room close by with A. Zvahl written neatly on a whiteboard, just like the whiteboard next to Laurance's room. I'm reminded once again that she'll wait for me outside the door, and I begin to brace myself for what I'm soon going to bring myself into.

Do I really want to do this? Out of everyone, I have probably hurt her the most. From trying to break up her and her boyfriend to beating her to a pulp, I've done some real damage to her that I can't take back even if I tried.

I take a deep breath in and hold it in for a few seconds and slowly let it out in a shaky exhale. The nurse knocks on the door for me, and permission is granted for me to enter. My hand is soon on the door handle and presses down on it only to push it open and bring myself into the room. It's cold just like any other room, but there's other people surrounding her bed, and I come to the conclusion that this is her family when the word "daddy" slips from her lips. They look over at me, and Alex's breath even hitches. She turns to the male and female and tells me that she'd talk to them later on and that Laurance would love it if they would come visit him since he had woken up. She wasn't going to leave anytime soon, so she was okay.

Her father kisses her forehead, and the girl squeezes her hand with a forced smile. I then learn that the female is Cadenza Zvahl, and that she looks like an utter mess. This is a contradiction to her normally perfectly put together appearance she normally bestows, and it's honestly a good change to be around. Cadenza forces out a smile as she looks back at Alex and then glances quickly at me with the smile before they're out the door. Before they're completely out, I can hear them thanking me, and it confuses me as of why they're thanking me.

I wheel over to the side of her bed, and that's when I truly see what damage has been done to her. She's bandaged up all over with bandaids and white gauzes. She looks worn down, and she even musters up a weak smile to give to me. Alex's hair is a mess, but it's wet due to it having what must be the blood washed out of it. An IV is placed into her arm, and her eyes look as tired as she does.

"I heard that Vylad was recovering and resting," she tells me, pulling the multiple blankets up over her stomach only to rest her hand back on top of them. "I'm glad that he's doing better. He really scare me when he didn't wake up for all that time. I'd go and see if I could visit him, but I don't have enough energy or strength to bring myself up onto my own two feet. It's a shame really." I nod my head, unable to produce words, to agree with her. I'm thankful myself that he's able to recover with what had happened to him. I'm thankful that we're all able to recover. "My family and I would like to thank you and your mother for all that they've done to help us. We would also like to thank Ryder for telling us about the air vent. Who knows what could've happened if we didn't know of it."

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