The Others

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"What are you?" I asked.

"Not human." Zach said as he continued to walk.

"Then what the hell are you!?" Ava asked.

"Well he is very tall and strong, if he has a spirit we would have seen by now. He could be a shapeshifter." Reed whispered to me.

"Then why is he really strong? He could be someone we have never seen. Before the fight we never saw a shapeshifter. We will figure it out soon enough." I said as we walked behind the others. I was pulling Emma in a wagon, since Reed is carrying Payton, Jos is pulling my parents on a vine rug, and Ava is carrying Raven.

"Alright I guess, but I'm not letting my guard down when we get there." Reed said.


Zach took us to the old abandoned barn outside of town. On the way there he said something about other people, but the barn seemed empty. Then Zach did something of the unimaginable. He walked into the barn and disappeared. We tried to follow him but when we walked in we didn't go anywhere. Then here reappeared.

"Sorry I forgot, here grab onto me." He said sticking his arm out. For as strong as he is he didn't really have any muscle. We all grabbed onto him, and he pulled us through. We saw at least 100 people.

"What is this place?" Jos asked.

"We call it The Haven, everyone here was hunted, hurt or hiding from your parents at some point." Zach said leading us into a office type room.

"Wait do all of them have a spirit?" Ava asked. We set down the people in a line against the wall.

"Spirits, shapeshifters, witches, yes."

"wItChEs!?" Reed said.

"Yes, I am one myself actually. Here lets go out there and you guys can talk to the others while I work on the potion." Zach said ushering us out into the large room. We split up in two groups, boys and girls. Me and Reed headed over to a group of people our age. We didn't recognize them they must have been from the town over.

"Hello... my name is Tate, uhh... hi." God this is embarrassing.

"Hi my name is Reed!" Reed said very confident. They all started whispering.

"Hi Tate, um where did that voice come from?" A girl said looking very confused. They must not have spirits, only people with spirits can see other spirits.

"Sorry, that's my friend he died in a car crash saving my other friend then came back as a ghost thing to protect her." I said forgetting about how complicated it is.

"Oh a spirit. Sorry I'm we are shapeshifters, see!" She said as she turned into a white wolf with brown tips. "We can't see him." The girl said as she changed back. "Sorry my name is Sydney!" She said smiling. She was short with light brown hair. Next to her was a girl with dark brown hair, she looked similar to Sydney. She turned into a panda. She looked a few years younger than us. There was another girl, she looked familiar. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. I remember now these three are my cousins.

"Hi I'm Megan this is Emma she forgot to saw her name she's shy. I can turn into a lioness, and hi Tate it me your- I'm mean we are your cousins." She said motioning to the tree of them.

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