The City

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We all piled into the van again, squishing in. Taejun and Taeri had to share a seat and then so did me and Jimin as we are the smallest adults. I sat on Jimin's was awkward. Even in the midst of a zombie apocalypse i could feel myself blushing like a middle schooler.

This was going to be our most dangerous task yet, going into the city. Hoseok's sister Dawon was trapped there in her apartment with no escape, no car, no friends, nothing. We had to go and save her, but it was going to be so dangerous. The city will be rammed with zombies, no doubt.

Yoongi starts to tell us about the mission, "Okay guys, it will be safer for us to park the car somewhere near the outskirts of the city and then travel on fit to Dawson's apartment. Here are the rules:

1. Taejun and Taeri stay here. We cannot risk them getting hurt. We will also need three of you to stay here with them to keep them safe and watch the car. Jimin, Taehyung and Namjoon can take that job.

2. We stay together and watch each other's backs. We do not want a repeat of the tyre incident. Do not loose focus.

3. Be alert at all times, move quietly and do not talk unless necessary such as warning or ideas.

4. Please, stay safe everyone. Keep your weapons at the ready and do not hesitate to bash some brains in. There will be so many zombies, we'll have to fight otherwise we will get trapped. Do it quietly not to attract a herd."

"Yes sir" Namjoon nodded, along with the rest of us. Yoongi was a good leader for this zombie thing.

We stopped the car and i got off of Jimin's lap, still blushing violently. God, i'm such an idiot. He probably has a girlfriend and i'm here crushing on him. Ugh...

It's time for me to stop worrying about Jimin and start worrying about not dying now however, and we all get out of the car carefully and quietly. We scan the area for zombies before saying our goodbyes. I hug Jimin tightly.
"Please, make it back okay." he whispers into my ear.
"I will" I nod, half smiling, as i pull away from his warm hug. As I wake from my daze of Jimin i realise that everyone else was looking at us, raising their eyebrows suggestively.
"Stop!!" i laugh, "Come on, let's go already."

We came across a few zombies on our way towards the city however nothing we couldn't handle. It felt like the calm before the storm, everyone on edge, their eyes scanning the area around them closely. Finally, we start getting quite close to the city, the tall skyscrapers in perfect view. As we get closer however, so does our hearing. The terrifying moan of maybe a thousand zombies creeps into our ears, making us stop in our tracks.
"That's not good." Jungkook states.
"Clearly." Yoongi replies, displeased.
"What are we gonna do? We can't get through a herd that big!" Hoseok budged in.

Oh boy...

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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