Reason 3 - "I Need To Do This"

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Dear Reader

It truly is easy saying there is no other way. But take it from us there are many easier options.

To you it may seem like you are helping others realising them from stress and letting them stop worrying so much over someone "whose not important and a waste of space". Let me tell you something the people that will miss you will see this as selfish. They where stood by you there to help and you decided to end it all because you "needed to". Trust me that is not the case. You have people that care for you. People that love you. People that look up to you. People who want you to be safe. They are all willing to help you if you let them. It's not easy trust me

To you it may seem like the only option because your scared to open up. But maybe if you can't talk to people (which I highly recommend just on your terms don't let them push you into it) maybe you could talk to an animal. If that's your pet or you volunteer at an animal shelter. Pets are great to help you get everything of your chest.

If you still think you need to do this please please please message me  ( @harrypotterfan129 ) for any help or answers to questions or on this account. Remember we are here for you if you need us.


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