Reason 4 - it's only me

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Ok time to get deep. I'll be talking a lot about my mum in this one because she commuted suicide and I can show you some real life examples. So let's get personal and talk about the one thing I love to hate to write about.

My mum believed fully that no one would care she was gone. She thought her funeral would be empty and that her grave wouldn't be fancy or get visited. Well I'll tell you how wrong that was. People where nearly out the door of the church because of how crowded it was. My mum had a positive impact on nearly every person she met. People visit her grave some people that we (That's me and her parents) don't even know. People are so touched by the story of her life how she was so caring that they did things for her. My grandparents went to get the grave stone engraved. The people who where doing the engraving noticed how young she was and my nan couldn't but tell them everything from how she looked out for everyone she knew to how people would spend days helping out clean the house. People she barely knew. We got an engraving that wasn't in the books for half the price of a small simple engraving. Someone was so touched my mum that they left flowers outside her old house. We don't know who it was. But it was beautiful jester. The flowers at her grave are regularly changed and not by my grandparents by so many people. Her artwork is up in strangers homes. I was at my friends house and I saw some art. I looked at the signature and it was hers. They knew my mum. They met her briefly at a small cafe while she was sketching that piece. They agreed to meet back up to 'buy' the piece but my mum gave it to them for free. Now replace all the personal personal details with things about. This could be you. You aren't just a spec of dust you are so important to so many people.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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