where the heart is

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A prison with no guards.
A prison with no cells.
A prison with no warden.
A prison with no mates.
A prison with no locks.
A prison with no fence.
A prison with no walls.
Is a prison still.
It is without need of punishment.
It is without flaw.
It is inescapable.
It is impenetrable.
It is unimaginable.
It is for the unworthy
It is for the blasphemous.
It is for the slothful.
It is for the wrathful.
It is for the lustful.
The fate of the liars.
The fate of the cheaters.
The fate or the murders.
The fate of the honest.
The fate of the doomed.
The fate of the blessed.
The fate of the damned.
The fate of the future.
The fate of the past.
A prison.
A prison then.
A prison now.
A prison still.

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