Chapter 3: Fairy Tail Theatre

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Lucy felt like her arm was going to come clean out of her shoulder socket if Natsu tried to run any faster. She silently cursed the heels she was sporting. The pinkette, though visibly ecstatic, couldn't possibly be charging through the halls just because he was excited... could he?

Almost in answer to her question, Erza violently crashed through a nearby door whilst hastily tying her bangs up with a leopard print headband. Upperclassmen habitually jumped out of the way while unfortunate freshmen were steamrollered by the scarlet senior as she dashed down the hall. Natsu tightened his grip on her hand and urged her forward.

"C'mon Lucy we've only got four minutes left!" he shouted.

"Wha-?" Lucy began.

"Don't talk just run!"

"But you just-"

"Gahhh 3:50 come ON!"

He tugged at her arm harder just as Jet whizzed past in a blur, carrying what looked to be a very startled Levy. A cry of "I won't let you be late I swear it!" echoed through the hall above the yelps of sophomores as they dove out of the way. Droy could be heard shouting unintelligibly behind them. Natsu instantly let go of Lucy's hand scooped her into a princess carry.

"N-Natsu!" she shrieked, "Put me down put me down!"

"Agh that's my ear!" he cringed. "And no! I was late yesterday because you didn't wake me up! No way in hell am I gonna be late today!"

Lucy shrieked again and clung to his shoulders as he vaulted over a student crouched at their locker. To Lucy's surprise, despite carrying both of their bags, her, and her notebook in his hand, Natsu only got faster. Did her heels really slow them down that much? His shoulders were taut beneath his red hoodie, and his arms were steady and secure under her weight. A thought crossed her mind and her breath hitched.

"What?" Natsu said, rounding a corner.

"Nandemo nai![1]" Lucy squeaked. She looked away hoping desperately he hadn't noticed her blush.

Natsu kicked open a door and rushed into the blinding sunlight. Lucy cringed and blinked as she realized they had just left the building and were now on the far side of the school. She noticed a dozen other students sprinting for the crosswalk, and suddenly realized why Natsu had nearly torn her arm off.

"Wait, the theatre department isn't in the school?"

Natsu laughed. "Do you really think we'd use this school's crappy auditorium? Nah, all the drama classes are in the company building." He adjusted his grip and Lucy squeaked again.

"P-p-put me down!" she shrieked, slapping him across the face. He tripped and dropped her in the grass.

"Owww what was that for?" he grumbled, rubbing the red mark on his cheek.

Lucy covered her chest protectively with her arms, fuming and glaring. Natsu looked her up and down, and slowly realization bloomed on his face.

"Gahhh oh my god Lucy I swear I was not-" he stammered, jumping to his feet.

"Sure you weren't!" she shouted, "Just like Bora wasn't trying to-"

"Oi don't compare me to that second-rate faker!" he yelled back.

"If he's second-rate then what kind of pervert are you?!"

"Lucy I swear I wasn't trying to cop a feel that was an accident!"

A smile started to grow on her face. These arguments were kind of fun; she could see why Gray and Natsu kept them up.

Natsu looked at his watched and groaned. "Gah we've only got a minute left we've gotta move!"

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