Chapter 1

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I've always been the kind of girl who looks forward to school after a long summer. I miss my friends and having a schedule. I was especially looking forward to this school year because it's my graduating year. So many exciting things happen in grade 12. There's the parties, the school events and of course the romance. The excitement starts in the morning before the first day of school. And so does the drama.

"Kylee! Where are you? I don't know what to wear!"

"Hmmmm. Go back to bed" I told her. How could she be up this early? I was only 6 am. I had at least one more hour.


"I'm coming!" I had to force myself out of bed at this hour. Anna's not usually the type to wake up this early but I guess it is the first day of school and she wants to look perfect. I run down the stairs to find her in her bra holding up different shirts to pair with her skinny jeans.

"Hey Ky, which shirt makes me look smart and sexy?" She asks me.

"Neither, you should wear this one." I pull a cute lime green v-neck with ruffles from her closet.

"That's adorable, I totally missed that! Thanks Ky!"

"Welcome." I run back up to have a quick shower before my mom woke up. After my shower was one of the hardest decisions any girl has to make. What to wear on the first day of school. I finally decided on a pair of dark jeans, a pink t-shirt with diagonal ruffles, a black leather belt around my waist and a pair of wedge heels. I think I’ll just keep my hair down today. I examined it in the mirror, light brown, blond highlights and slightly wavy. That’s my hair and today it was perfect.

When I went downstairs for breakfast my mom and Anna were already there. Mom was making pancakes and Anna was eating them. My mom looked amazing, she always did. She’s the best dressed lawyer around, always wearing smart, sexy suits.

“Kylee you look beautiful.”

“Thanks mom. You look great to.” I looked at the clock. “Bus will be here soon, let’s go Anna.”

“Wait girls! Mommy needs a picture of her beautiful grown up daughters. I can’t believe how old you are. Kylee graduating year and Anna grade 10 already. I remember when you were babies and I could hold you in my arms.” She gave us both a big hug.

“Mom hurry up and take a picture, we have to go.”

“Okay, okay” She snapped a picture with her phone. “Have a great day girls!” She yelled out the door as we walked towards the bus stop.

“Excited for school Ky?”

“You know it. You?”

“I guess. I mean I miss my friends and I miss James"

I makes me a bit sad that my sister has a boyfriend and I don't. Maybe I'll find one this year. Ha ha probably not all the guys in my grade are stupid and immature and I am not that desperate that I would date some one younger than me. Whatever I think having a boyfriend would be too much of a chore anyways. When the bus comes my sister goes to sit with her friend Taisha and I sit alone.

Graduating is a MessWhere stories live. Discover now