Something's Off

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Narrator's POV

"Honey, will you hand me the pepper?" Tony asked.

"Sure." Stephen said, handing it to Tony.

Everyone was eating breakfast downstairs in the hotel's breakfast lobby. Except Bucky and Matt.

"Hey, Iron Dad." Peter whispered, sitting next to Tony.

"Yes?" He Tony said to him.

"Why are Sam and Steve staring at you and Dr. Dad like that?" He asked.

Tony looked around for them. He found them.

Sam and Steve were indeed staring at Stephen and him.

Tony sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry about it." He said. "They're just being stupid."

"Papa." Oliver ran up to Tony.

"Yes?" Tony asked.

"Can I go up to the room to get something?" He asked.

"Daddy has the key." Tony said.

"Is that what you call him?" Sam asked.

Tony shot him a glance. "Shut up Wilson."

Sam and Steve laughed.

"Daddy, can I go up to the room to get something?" Oliver asked Stephen.

"Sure honey." Stephen handed him the card.

"Can I take Sleeper with me?" Oliver asked.

"Ask his parents first." Stephen told him.

"Okay." Oliver went over to the Brock's table.

Soon enough, Oliver and Sleeper ran out of the breakfast bar and to the elevators.

Tony smiled watching the two. "They grow up so fast." He said. He noticed Stephen poking at his fruit salad. "Eh? Stephen?"

"Hm?" Stephen looked up. "Oh, yes."

"Honey, are you okay?" Tony asked.

"Yes." Stephen said, looking back down at his fruit. He sighed. "No."

"Talk to me." Tony told him.

"Something feels off." He said. "Somethings gonna happen. I can feel it."

"Maybe it's the fact that Peter's eating cereal with milk." Wade said, taking a bite of his bagel.

"What?" Stephen looked at Peter.

"Wade!" Peter yelped, looking at Wade with a bit of milk dripping from his chin.

"Peter Benjamin Parker." Tony said.

"Oh, come on." Peter groaned. "It's been years since I've had milk."

"That doesn't give you the right to just ignore your situation and get sick." Stephen said.

"I'm a grown man." Peter said, putting his spoon down.

"You still pick the crust off your sandwich." Tony said.

"So do you." Peter said.

"But unlike you, I'm a responsible adult." Tony said.

Stephen raised a brow at him.

"I'm an adult." Tony said.

Peter looked at him. "NOM-" He began to stuff his plate in his face.

"Peter!" Stephen reached for him.

Wade sat at the table calmly eating his breakfast.


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