6 × Little Lady, and the War

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The silence in the Riverside that seperates the Florencia and the craemsoness (Vampire's Den) always calms Kairos's mind. He's been here everytime when he can't think properly... In such a young age, he never really experience the goodness of Childhood, but it's fine for him that he matures way too early... He always thought about preparing himself to show everyone that he's the greatest, Because back when he was in his real parents' hands, the only thing they want him to be is being powerful.

Looking back at that point of life, maybe he just wants to make his real parents proud... And a little bit more ashamed for they just gave him a burden, and now he's striving to live with other species around him.

His long wandering thoughts paused as his eyes catches a glimpse of a very familiar figure. The little girl, from five years ago, still looking so young, not even a little change happens on her

His deep dark eyes fell on Kairos that made him shiver, what a same reaction he did way back then... The Little girl blinked carefully before walking towards him, slowly.. with a still and calculated steps.

It's awkward for Kairos, so he kind of raised his hand and made a gentle smile "Hello-"

"You aren't supposed to see me!" Okay, maybe it's wrong that kairos waved, Because now, the girl is the one panicking

She nervously opened her book to flip it's pages.. actually, Blank pages... But she seemed so lost she already had her cute face scrunched

Maybe Kairos cooed, but no one needs to know about that

"Lady... Calm down, I am here for no harm.." Kairos's gentle voice stopped her slight panic as she looked at him again

"Excuse me..? but You aren't supposed to see me if you're alive..." She cautiously replied, Leaning towards Kairos, The lad thought that maybe she wanted to touch him to know if he's alive, so he gently lifted his hands to hold on to the Lady...

... But he grasped the empty cold air, the girl is a soul with no body

"What are you? A ghost?!"

"I'm a reaper! And what are you to see me?! A vampire?!"

"No! I'm a Hybrid shapeshifter!"

Maybe that stopped the yelling of the two, for more Confusion that is happening

"How come...?" The girl mumbled, still with a scrunched face while she looks at Kairos, Anticipating an answer

"You're a Reaper, responsible of Time and Death, perhaps You've heard the phrophecy about the Greatest?" The lad takes his look off the Girl, knowing that she finally cleared her mind, and maybe it's her shocked face that he sees in his peripheral vision but well, he doesn't want to stare, it's weird

"YOU ARE THE ONE! I HAVE MY SCHEDULE OF WORK FULL WHEN THAT HAPPENS!! I NEED TO KEEP YOU IN CHECK!!" Her childish voice stated, she squeals in half annoyance and half glee for after that Prophecy, she'll be awarded with something, Luna said so...

They've got a very rough meeting but eventually, The grim reaper and the Hybrid shapeshifter found a friend in each other.


It was still a very bright afternoon. But inside the office of King Nischith, everything is as gloomy as the night. All the curtains are shutted down, door locked, no one inside his room but himself and the only sound he hears is the rush ticking of the clock

He stayed still, Not even Thinking about what he had read a few moments earlier; but after a short while, someone finally took the opportunity to disturb his mind and knock on the door

Nischith was never a Fae who always relies on his powers, he often does the things personally with his own limbs than wasting the skill he has. But today is an exception, something inside him just want him to stay a little bit more and think, so he just spawned a vein of plant to reach for the knob and open it for the unwanted visitor.

He heard the silent clank of someone's foot and he immediately sensed the Tension and Danger around the room

"You've seen the Letter right? I won't bow on a thief who stole what's mine. The power that should benefit us. Now I am here for only one simple thing. Give me the Child, or give up your race" the voice rings on Nischith's ear as he felt the stranger sitting on the nearby couch. He spun the Chair to face the shapeshifter. It is the Supreme Alpha of all shapeshifter 'Krow' Kairos's father, looking all intimidating and perilous

Nischith clicks his tongue before standing up to walk out of his office table "You talk about Nico as if he's an item your specie wants to obtain to look all mighty and high... I took care of him for five years, Taught him how to not be a monster. And I won't give him up to anyone, so you can now stop bothering me anymore.." he calmly walk in front of the couch where the alpha is sitting, as he opens the door by the vains crawling from his hand

"Kairos. Is. My. Child. And I have all my rights to have him... Even if it means, I would need to raise a war." Krow smirked as he stands up, intimidating the King's rather slim figure by his manly shape. He reached out the inside of his pants' wool pocket to reveal a Lilly before he mumbles "I meant it when I said I will take Kairos, even if it means I will start a war."


It was a very fast moment and Nischith froze, The servant entered panting with an alarming news, and Now The Alpha already shapeshifted into a crow, Flying out of his Window. Leaving him by himself with a Lilly on his hand, stained with the Violet blood of Faes.


"The War is starting... And the only way for us to not lose our kingdom, is to be with the shapeshifters. They are mortals like us! And if we would help them, We will never bother about the lands we live!" The royal adviser or kratos told him. He's an old man, thinking that he knows everything just like the other old species nowadays. But Kratos doesn't really listen to him that much.

Why does the old people stop studying and exploring when they already reached the age of having a proper position on their coven? Or even at their whole Kingdom. That's why Kratos really disagrees with the Royal Adviser's thoughts. They're already in a new generation, where they can stand by their name as a Mage, as a witch, as a coven and a kingdom who could protect themselves without a help on other species

"You seemed to not really listen to me highness... You are responsible to handle this war. And don't just make a biased decision because you've got a Fae Lover... When it comes to survival, you are to sacrifice yourself for your kingdom... You're the Highest Land Mage, don't fail the 13 covens who you handle..." The old man pipes in again. Kratos just gave a sigh before he says his honest and selfish opinion

"Why don't we just have our own decisions if we would join or not. I will take care of those covens who wouldn't.."

"But Highness! You are supposed to Lead the Fight along with the Supreme Alpha Krow!"

"But I will never fight with the men of my Lover. Even if it means I would lose all your trust." Kratos stood up to clear the thoughts inside him, when he felt the world twist and turn, the burning feeling of a curse is put in his body, as the Old Adviser knelt near him to whisper on his ear

"you're selfish and you don't really deserve your throne... I wouldn't want to do that, But all I just want is to fight for our power again.."

He Left Kratos scorching in pain, Dying to take the burning sensation out of his body as he screams loudly. But it seemed that no one even acknowledges his presence.

Mages are Prideful. They like to be pampered and spoiled with a lot of power... He doesn't know if being selfish is putting his Specie out of the prophecy that will happen soon. Or being selfish means Fighting to get more power, ignoring the fact that they still need to kiss the shapeshifters' feet after all this war.

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