11 × Countdown

3 0 0

The weeks is slowly ticking to days... 3 days, they have 3 days Left before the war will start, Where the crows and Wolves will attack the florencia and take back their son Kairos...

3 days left and The war of Pride and power will shake the whole AltEa to mess.

The crows are starting to fly in a circular motion above the Florencia, trapping their enemies, keeping an eye to each and everyone, some Faeries are beginning to feel scared, the Other Shapeshifters who helps the Kingdom is vanishing, some flowers are dying. Florencia is in critical health, everyone is worried. And faeries can die just by the emotional stress...

At the other side of the Lake of Nischith's kingdom, there's the Vampire's den, a little village with a huge mansion in the middle, and somewhere along the small houses a little far away then Den, there's the Grim reaper's tea house. And inside the teahouse, is the vengeful soul of Lilly, Playing with the little ceramic cups perfectly placed in order at the little shelves on the wall.

It was all peaceful and calm until the darkness had eaten up the whole house. Lilly felt strange and her soul reflexed into defending herself by spawning blue flames on her hands. The flame grew bigger as she looked around, Who decided to trespass the Grim reaper's Den?

Her soul immediately felt the urge to defend her as a blue flame built up onto her hands, it grows bigger and bigger as she looked around.

When a sound of Tea poured into a cup is heard.

she blasted a fire to where the sound came from, and the tea burned, no, the whole cup and the hand holding it is on fire, but in never budge to move. She swiftly walked towards it and now she's being stared at by a pair of eye glowing in the darkness.

"You told the Grim reaper that you want to see me... Am I right?" The voice was soft and airy, as if it literally give chills, who's it?

"I never asked the grim reaper for anything but revenge! Who are you?!" She yelled as she shoots the eye a blue flame, but it quickly dissapeared like a dry ice forcing a fire to die. The eyes are peirced onto hers as the unknown person's free hand holds onto Lillys burning hand

"Curse me or damn take Luna to handle me.. I'll never leave unless I finished my revenge... Do you really want to revenge on people who already had killed you?? You'll get nothing even after you killed them too... Or do you just want to be back to your body, to be the beautiful Lilly maiden again??"

Lilly swallowed as she nervously looks towards the specie, it's body lightens up, moon engraved like a scar onto her exposed stomach, she's dressed elegantly with golds and fabric that glows. But her aura is darker than the night. It is Luna,

The Goddess of Darkness Luna was made by the Diety in order to bring balance to AltEa, if the Sol is the symbol for Goodwill, Luna is the Temptation. If the Sol means Power, Luna is the Hardwork. They can mean both good and bad. They can give a good future or a Bad karma.

And now, Lilly is given a choice

"What shall I do to get back to being a Fae?"

"Nothing much, you just need to fight along the shapeshifters when the war started" Luna told her and gave her a warm smile before threatening her with the words coming onto her mouth next: "Or else You'll become nothing like a fae, a completely different being, alone."

Lilly couldn't make her words sink in as she thinks about it. She can be a Fae once again, she just needs to fight with the shapeshifters. Besides, It's Kairos they're fighting against, It's already a win to kairos and her family...

But that also means, she'll be fighting her own home, it's basically treachery... But for the sake of herself... Would it be worth it??

She cannot mumble any word out, when Luna clicks her tongue impatient and annoyed "I'll let you decide, and I'll wath the war up above, Choose at the day itself, I don't care... But don't forget about it when you die..." The Goddess winked at her with a snarky smirk before vanishing.

And suddenly, The Reaper's home lit up as if nothing happened. Yet her body still felt the creeps that Luna had given her.

This time, Luna is the evil temptation, and she is a selfish soul.


Nischith is at the balcony of the castle, looking down at his Land and Faeries. 2 days before the war will finally start. It cannot just end in a day... He wouldn't also want to see his own faes suffer...

Meanwhile, kairos is sitting inside his room, thick blinds are covering every source of light from the outside, while he sits at his bed, his Collar snd Kratos's pendant placed in front of him, on top of each other. He is tired, tired of thinking that because of him, his Family have to suffer, His biological family should be! But not the faes, not the ones who taught him how to live!

He didn't know hes beginning to doze off to sleep with a heavy soul until it just happened.

And exactly that time, the grim reaper appeared with the Kratos beside her.

"continue your spell while Kairos is sleeping. I'm telling you, he can see me and we cannot just sneak in sneak out for little minutes with only energy transferring!" The grim reaper nags with her little child voice that just made the Mage laugh, while doing the energy transfer from his own powers and the collar to the Pendant.

It's actually quite useless, now that the pendant's owner is already dead, and it's a Jerk move to make your pendant live when you're already dead because it's just like planting a seaweed on a dessert, Nothing will happen and it's nothing.

But Kairos have some powers to even make the Pendant Live again. And when the war comes, The pendant might do something for him in return. They'll know when the time comes.

But for now, everyone's trying their best to prepare for the war.


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