Induction (Impurity Part 2)

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It was now 2015 and two new arrivals were already at the hotel and they got along quite well with Thomas.
He sat down beside the girl.
"So...Vaggie ACH! I'll have to find something else to call you because that just doesn't sound right to about i call you...Vallerie?". Thomas really did not like saying the name Vaggie because to him it sounded like the name of a dog or an accessory of some sort.
"Hmmm...yeah guess you can call me that." She answered.
Thomas sighed and said "Dankë Vallerie."
He then spoke to the spider.
"Angel, can you run to the shop and buy some more lemon juice for me?"
"I thought ya were German?" Angel said in sarcasm.
"I am, I just like my tea that way don't judge me." Thomas answered.
There was suddenly a knock at the door which Charlie answered.
"Looks like i'm late to the party." The man said.
"Hi i'm char-" she was cut off by him.
"Yeah yeah yeah, no time for talking sweetie just here to see what all the buzz is about!" He said.
"Well you could at least speak your name." Alastor said.
"Name's Dick, that's all you need to know from here."
"Oh spare us the sarcasm." Vaggie said.
"Good sir I believe what she means is, be serious." Thomas said.
"Fine, but don't expect much to come of it." Dick said.
"Well at least we can finally speak with you." Alastor said.
"So is there any rooms open?" Dick asked.
"Uhh yeah let me see...112 beside Thomas's room." Charlie handed Dick the key and winked at Thomas.
He gave Charlie a mischevious grin, insinuating that he was out to torment Dick for as long as he was there.
"well Thomas I really don't see you two getting along too well in the near future. If anything you two are gonna fight like dogs." Alastor said.
"Ja, but not as much as we do heheh...yes." they looked at each other awkwardly.
"Daddy?" Charlie said.
Thomas and Alastor were stunned for a moment but then looked at each other with anger.
"I WILL F#CKING END YOU!!!" Thomas screamed.
"BRING IT FRITZ!!!" Alastor retaliated.
They began fist fighting right in front of Charlie.
"She was talking about me you animals." Lucifer was standing over them, both Alastor and Thomas stood up straight.
"Pleasure to meet you face to face sir!" Alastor said.
Thoma held out his right arm in a Nazi Salute and said "Sieg Heil!"
"Okay one thing, i am not your Fuhrer so you don't have to do that." Lucifer said.
"My apologies Herr Lucifer, and I also apologize for the way we had conducted ourselves in your presence and may that not tarnish your view of us." Thomas said while standing at attention.
"Uhh I don't wanna be mean...oh who am I kidding of course i'm gonna be mean. Angel, why the f#ck are you looking at me with that pirate ass smile?" Dick said in confusion.
"Well if ya must ask, i kinda like the act you're puttin' on." Angel said with an eyebrow raised.
"Ah shit I think I know where this is going." Dick knew exactly what Angel had planned.
"Get your sweet ass over here!" Angel leaped at a now sprinting Dick who was running up the stairs and sometimes around the lobby.
"RUN FORREST RUN!" Vaggie shouted while she and everyone laughed at the spectacle that was unfolding.
"Oh my god, I haven't been that entertained since the first time i set foot in Auschwitz!" Thomas said.
This was true, he had been to Auschwitz a number of times but his first was the most entertaining for him.
"Okay, I think I found what your first sin is!" Charlie was still laughing as she spoke.
"Haha, Darling I don't believe you can cure antisemitism." Thomas said.
"oh but i'll damn sure try!" Charlie said laughing.
Thomas now felt a closer connection with her, he felt that she actually cared about his well-being and would do everything in her power to keep him out of harm's way.
"Alright sweetie I must be going now, i'll be sure to tell your mother everything that happened today." Lucifer said as he left the building.
Charlie had been somewhat tired after how hard she laughed at what events had transpired and that night she fell asleep on Thomas's shoulder, he took it as a sign of she loved him...but unknown to him she had actually viewed him as a brother.

To be continued...

Impurity: A Hazbin Hotel StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora