Court Part 1

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Brie's/Brianna's POV
The moment I walked into the court room I wanted to run right back out the doors. My heart beat immediately increased and my palms were sweaty. Colby wrapped his arms around me tightly." I know my love, I know." He said soothingly knowing my mind was going a mile a minute. However he didn't have much time to comfort me as my lawyer made her way to us." Sorry to interrupt Ms.Garcia-Colace but we need to get seated. They're about to fill the court room." I sighed softly and nodded as Colby unwrapped his arms from around me." Let's get this over with." I said simply as I followed my lawyer sitting beside her at the table. Colby meanwhile sat on the benches right behind us, since I was the only one on trail. Before I could even fully collect my thoughts, the court room began to fill with people instantly. I kept my focus on the front of the room where the judge would be sitting, that way I wouldn't have to focus on all the people staring at me.

However that didn't give me peace of mind for long as I soon heard an all to familiar voice as Daniel entered the room dressed for court." Hello Brianna." He said with a smirk looking at my direction, before taking a seat beside his lawyer. Just hearing his voice made my blood boil but I did everything in my power to ignore him. Although if it wasn't for the interruption of the judge being announced I'm pretty sure Colby was going to give Daniel a piece of his mind.

"All rise. Court is now session. The honorable judge Landon James presiding." Was announced, everyone stood until the judge took his seat. "Your honor today's case is Brianna Monique Garcia-Colace vs Bryan Danielson." The bailiff read outloud.

"The prosecution may deliver its opening statements." The judge said and Daniels judge stood up." Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client stands before you a loving husband, an environmentalist, a professional wrestler and most importantly a humanitarian. He's spent his entire life entertaining the masses and putting smiles on peoples faces. He's donated thousands of dollars to multiple charities across the globe as well as made wishes come true by partnering with make-a-wish. Yet the defendant has deemed it fit to make false allegations towards my client landing him in jail and besmirching his good name. Because of the defendant my client has suffered both emotional and physical abuse due to being within the prison walls for a crime he did not commit. Therefore today we're not only asking for my clients release but we're suing the defendant for making false claims which led to false imprisonment of this honorable man." The lawyer said then sat down.

It took every ounce of willpower I had to not scream liar right then and there. How dare someone even attempt to paint Daniel in a positive light after what he did to me. I didn't just want to punch Daniel in the face, I wanted to punch his lawyer in the face even if he was just doing his job. I glanced at Daniel who just winked at me then glanced at Colby who had his fists balled in fists ready to punch Daniel in the face after seeing him wink at me." It's not worth it." I mouthed at him.

"Defense your opening statement please." The judge said and my lawyer stood up." Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client is not a liar but instead a survivor. Mr.Danielson has assaulted his now ex wife multiple times within their marriage. These beatings have resulted in multiple concussions, two broken ribs, multiple black eyes, and a broken finger just to name a few injuries my client has suffered at the hands of Mr.Danielson. I'm here today not only to prove my clients not guilty for false allegations towards Mr.Danielson but instead to prove that Mr.Danielson is a rapist and an abuser." Once my lawyer was finished speaking, she sat back beside me. I mentally took a deep breath as I could feel all the eyes on me currently.

"The prosecution may now call its first witness." Judge Landon said." The prosecution calls Colby Lopez to the stands." Daniel's lawyer said. I mentally rolled my eyes, I knew Colby was on both witnesses list but I don't know what the prosecution was hoping to accomplish by calling him to the stands. Once Colby was sworn in, everyone's including my eyes were glued on him.

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