I'm back!

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I sat on the couch for another hour just thinking about all of the times I've seen Addie and Luke together. They are always either play fighting or just touchy with each other. I hope nothing happens, I know I've "moved on" but we all know that I really haven't.

I felt bad for leaving May on the couch while I went out to play superman, maybe I should text her.

To: May Bae <3

"Hey sorry I left you for a little, is that why you left? :( xxx"

I sent the text and it immodestly read "seen 6:32pm" underneath it.

From: May Bae <3


I think she's mad.

To: May Bae <3

"I'm sorry <3 I love you xx"

I sent the text message and quickly stood up, rushing to put my shoes on.

I can't have May mad at me too, she is my girlfriend. I slip on my boots and jog over to the counter to grab my car keys. Before I leave, I glance over at my window. There's a rose. In a vase.

No, I can't give that to May.

I quickly walk out to my car and hope in.

*skip car ride*

I arrive at May's large blue house and pull up into her driveway. Her dad is out of town for the week, so she's home alone. Once my car is parked I fix my hair in my mirror. I look presentable, not great. But presentable.

Shakily, I press the doorbell. A long ring plays before the door slowly creaks open. I can barely see a tiny blue eye peering through the crack. "May?" I ask quietly. The door opens completely to reveal May, in a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt. Her dark hair is messily dangling over her shoulders, yet she still looks amazing. A small smile creeps onto her face and she steps back, allowing me to enter. Once the door is shut, I pull her in for a hug.


Addie and I went to the mall downtown. So far, we went into Victoria secrets and freaked out some of the girls there, if you know what I mean. We also annoyed some people in the food court. I missed Addie so much. We used to be even closer than this and would act like a couple. But we can't do that anymore, considering her and Jai. I feel bad, the entire time when I wasn't making her laugh, she wasn't talking or even smiling. What Jai did was horrible.


Me and Luke have been having a great time. I know I'm not really being myself but all I can think about is what Jai and May are doing back at his house.

It's been a few hours since Luke and I have been at the mall, he always knows how to make me laugh. He's like my older brother and best friend. My thoughts slip away to the vibrating of my phone.

From: Jai Bear :)x

"May asked if we could all hang out today, me, her, you, and Luke. It doesn't matter if you don't want to."

His words kind of hurt a little.

To: Jai Bear :)x

"I don't care, meet us at the Batting Cages. 8?"

From: Jai Bear :)x


I shoved my phone back into my pockets and picked up my Victoria secret bag, Luke and I freaked some little girls out earlier.

"What's that about?" Luke asked, as he looked through some hats on a shelf. "Jai and May want to meet us at the batting cages. They're just around the corner. It's 7:48 right now and I said we'd meet them at 8." I said, looking at some shirts behind us. "Let's go then. I love the batting cages!" Luke ripped the bags out of my hand and grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the store.

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