Just a joke.

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I stay silent as Jai holds me as we lay on the cold hardwood floor. I sniffle and Jai pulls away slightly. "Is this because of me?" He whispers, his cheeks stained with tears. I look away and I feel Jai tense up. He stands up quickly and begins pacing back and forth. "Jai it's fine." I say, standing up as well. "Let me see your wrists." He demands, stopping closely in front of me. I slowly hold my arms out and turn them so Jai can see the cuts. I watch as his breathing hitches and his eyes begin to water. He traces lightly over the scars, "Princess don't do this." He whispers, looking me in the eyes. Princess? I haven't heard that in forever. I pull my wrists away and back up. "What are you doing?" He asks, his hands dropping to his sides. "I'm not your princess. May is." I huff, crossing my arms across my chest. Jai stays silent and he looks down at his feet. "I'll see you tomorrow." Jai sighs, heading for the door. Wow. He's just going to leave? Fine, I don't care.

Yes i do. All I want to do is run after him and tell him to stay with me for the night and to hold me because I'm hurting. But no, he's going to see May. Once I hear the front door shut and lock I know Jai has shut me in for the night. Without saying or doing anything, I jump into my bed, curling into a ball and crying myself to sleep.


*next day*

I woke up really early this morning and got Luke's charger shipped off.

I'm officially alone. No Beau. No Daniel, but he never really liked me anyway. No James, boy do I miss him. No Luke.

And no Jai. The one person I need most.

As I sit silently in my car, on my way home, my wrist stings from this mornings cuts. At least they have kept me from thinking about Jai to much. I sigh as I pull into my bare driveway. I notice Jai's bedroom light is on as I glance between our houses. He's probably in their with May sucking faces. I cringe at the thought and quickly jump out of my car. As I'm fiddling with my keys, I hear an engine roar as a motorcycle zooms around the corner and park in Jai's driveway. I watch as the tall man removed his helmet. I grin widely at the sight of James, as he walks up to Jai's front door. As he waits for Jai to answer the door, he glances over at me. His eyes meet mine and we both smile. He raced off of Jai's front porch and towards me, and I quickly copy his actions. We meet directly in between the two houses and engulf each other in a large bear hug. My eyes well with tears as his familiar calming sent fills my nose. I can't stop smiling. "When did you get back?" James shouts, overly excited.

"Almost a week ago! I missed you so much." I screech, pulling him in for another hug. His smile slowly fades. "You know about Jai and..." He says, much quieter now. I slowly nod and step back. I look over James's shoulder and see Jai standing on his porch with May half naked in the doorway. She glares at me before Jai whispers something in her ear. She rolls her eyes and struts off into the house. Jai turns back and motions for James to come over. James shakes his head and turns back to me. "Wanna go out for ice cream?" He smiles. My smile reappears and James takes my hand as we walk to his motorcycle.

Jai looks at me, almost with... Sorrow. He heads back inside and James hands me his helmet. I jump onto the back and James and I take off.


We arrive at the small ice cream shop on the corner of the street and James and I sit at a table in the back corner.

We take a minute to start eating our ice cream before either of us say anything. "How are you taking the whole Jai and May thing?" James asks. I've always told him everything. I stay silent for a minute, swirling my spoon in my ice cream. "Um, well... Not very well. It kinda hurts when you come back home, expecting the person you love to be the first thing you see. And then really, you come back and he's holding some girl the way he used to hold you." My breathing hitches but I'm not crying yet.

Both of us are distracted by the ringing of the bells indicating someone has come into the store. Both of us turn to face Jai, with May hanging onto his hand like a dog on a leash. She glares at me and quickly I face down to my ice cream. "Sorry Addie. I kind of told Jai to meet here. We have to talk about something." James sighed. I nodded as Jai and May took a seat next to each of us. May was sat next to me, blocking me in the corner. No escaping now.

Another bell rings and a blonde girl in a very short skirt struts in, taking a seat next to May.


I still don't understand the glares May has been giving towards Addie. Tiffany, the super fake friend of May comes strutting in and sits next to May. She glances at Addie, who is awkwardly messing with her empty bowl and looks back to May, laughing.

Something's not right. I turn to James. "Sooo, James are you still moving in across the street tomorrow?" I try and change the subject. "Yup." He smiled to Addie and that familiar grin appears on her face. Just seeing her beautiful smile forces me to smile to. I missed that smile. "That's so cool!" May says, forcing her voice higher. "We can finally hang out." She smiles. Addie sinks down into her seat as May continues babbling about all the 'fun' stuff they can all do.

She starts squirming around and that's when it happens. She knocks her coffee onto Addie. Addie gasps and stands up. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry" May laughs. May and Tiffany step out of the way and Addie rushes to the stand containing napkins. She wipes off her shirt, and I can tell she's shaking.

"I'll go help her." May glares as she walks over to Addie. James and I watch as she walks up to Addie.


I wipe as hard as I can but the stain just won't come out of my shirt. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I spin around to see May. She laughs at the stain. "What a joke." She giggled before turning back to Jai. Jai and James give each other confused looks. My eyes well with tears. I'm a joke? Is that all they see me as? A joke? I quickly rush out of the shop and wave my arm, hailing a taxi. A yellow car pulls up and I jump in. "You alright Hun?" The man asks. "Ya, Saratoga Road please." I sniffle, before burying my head in my hands and crying. I look behind me and see James getting on his motorcycle, and See Jai walking away from May in the stores window. I face back towards the front. It's time.

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