Chapter 3

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Niall's POV

"Come on, boys! Time to get on stage" Paul said to me and the boys.

"You ready, mate?" Liam asked me, noticing how I tired I was feeling.

"Yup, I'm ready." I replied and we were on the stage.

"Hello, people!" Louis said to the fans followed by Harry saying hi to the girls in 'his' way, while I just stood there, looking around.. Till I saw her. A girl, probably a fan. Standing in the front row, probably looking for someone.. She was beautiful. I don't know who she was but she was beautiful.

Oh, shit! Did she catch me staring.. Wait, was she smiling back? Oh, yeah! I'm Niall Fucking Horan! But what if she likes one of the other guys?

"Niall, you alright, mate? You seem to be smiling awfully too much" Harry asked me.

"I think our Nialler's seen a girl he likes." Liam said making me turn crimson with a rush all over my chest, my heart beating batshit crazy! Damn you, Liam Payne!

"Is she here?" Zayn asked, making me darn uncomfortable, as the girl's overheard our conversation and started screaming out.. wondering whether it was one of them that had my attention?

Oh, wow! This is weird.. Can someone just stop these guys?!

"Why don't we just start our first song now?" Liam said seeing how uncomfortable I'd become.

"Thank you!" I mouthed to him.

Well, I guess this one was over, too. Ugh, I was tired! Wait, where was that girl? I wanted to see her, again. I NEEDED to get to know her! I rushed back on stage but everyone was gone.. She was gone, lost in the crowd.. My eyes, still working their way on the people, hunting her but she was nowhere to be found. I'd lost her.

"Whoa! Who are you looking for, lover boy?" Liam said but I ignored.

"Wait, Is it that girl, who you were smiling at?" Liam asked again but I still ignored.

"I just saw her outside.. Wanna go check if she's still there?" Liam asked finally getting my attention. Did he just say she was still out there? Should I go meet her? But she's just another girl.. why did she pique my attention so bad? I wanted to know what was about her, that made her so beautifully intriguing.. Almost like a restlessness, I half-run outside hoping to catch her on her way.

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