#1_We Go Up

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We go up
We go up
The song ended with the boys facing backward, Jeno being the center. I stood quietly by the door of their practice studio, waiting for them to acknowledge my presence. 

There he stood. Standing out the most in my eyes, my boyfriend, Na Jaemin.

We started dating on December 20, 2018. It all started with a game of truth and dare, when I chose truth and he kissed me, stealing my first kiss. Then he confessed and asked me to be his girlfriend. It will be wrong to say that I was unprepared for what's going to happen now because I also kind of had a small crush on him. We spent the night together at NCT's place and in the morning we had to go to BigHit to tell my manager about my sudden relationship. Of course it came to him as a bit of a shock and he was certainly not pleased. But after seeing my happiness and consent, he agreed and help me keep it a secret. Now it's April and we've been seeing each other for about 3 and a half months. Speaking of which, its my birthday on 18th and I'm actually looking forward to everything.

The music stopped and they all relaxed their sweaty bodies by slumping down on the floor. I showed my satisfaction by applauding hard for them, which made them turn their heads towards me. 

Jaemin walked towards me, expecting a hug, but I pushed him back. "Waeee.. I just danced my butt off and what do I get? Nothing?" He complained, pouting. 

"Ani pabo... you are sweating," I replied while laughing "and I don't wanna smell like I just did an intensive workout because I have to go back to the company."
"Why are you going back? It's like, 10:47 pm, and don't you have like a curfew?" Mark asked with a questionable look on his face. "Oh it's because our manager called and he asked us to come back. We were done with practice by 8:45 probably." I replied which pretty much made things clear. "Oh alright but make sure to return home saf-"
"Come on.....it's not like I'm gonna be alone, I have my members." I interrupted Jaemin in mid sentence but he still showed signs of discomfort. I held his hand and dragged him out of the studio which caused the other members to scream and shout.

"Come on it's not like they're gonna do something, none of them have the guts.." I heard Jeno's voice as I pulled us out of the room. 

"Jaemin I know you are very worried about me but.... you should trust the boys, they took care of me for a longer period of time... I will be okay as long as I'm with them. Now you go and burn that stage tomorrow. Hwaiting!" I said in hopes of comforting him. He looked down into my eyes. He leaned in a placed a small kiss on my forehead, which met with screams of acknowledgement from inside the practice room. I chuckled shyly and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before saying good bye. 

I entered the car to be met with groans and sighs and complains from my members.

"Why does she always gets the special treatment? Why don't we??" Asked Taehyung in the most arrogant manner. "Yah!" I said while slapping his arm, hard "I get the special treatment because, one, I'm in a relationship, two because I'm a female and three because... you're ugly." I retorted. Taehyung placed his hands on chest and pretended to be hurt. "At least I'm not a banshee pretending to be a monkey." Taehyung retorted back while sticking out his tongue which resulted in a loud groan from Suga Oppa and that was the very last thing said by any one of us. We rode back to to the company in silence.

We reached the company and quickly went to our practice studio. As we entered, I saw my manager. He kinda had an impatient look on his face that clearly said "you're late". We bowed to him and stood in a line, side by side. Manager-nim paced in-front of us and stopped abruptly. After minutes of painful silence, he finally spoke.

"I asked you guys to be here by 10:30 and umm what's the time right now, Taehyung?" His sudden question made Taehyung jump a little. After regaining conscious, he cleared his throat and replied, " It's... 11:18.."

"11:18!! This is what makes me angry! You guys are Kpop idols, for gods sake, but you still act like irresponsible trainees. You have to be a bit responsible now because it's not just you guys now. We have another group that debuted under BigHit and you need to be someone who they can look up to you." Whenever manager-nim is angry, he likes to give a huge speech about responsibility but right now, he just shortened his speech which is kinda astonishing when you think about it. He shook his head and let out a huge sigh. Seeing his tensed form, we all murmured words of apology to him. He looked up and let out another huge, long sigh.

"Manager-nim, don't worry it's okay to let loose once in a while and.. this is once in a while so cheer up!" I said in my baby-ish voice which actually made our manager chuckle a bit. Pleased with the result, I clapped my hands in satisfaction. It's only me or Taehyung who can speak up to our manager in a situation like this. 

"Speaking of which, wh-why did you called us, manager-nim?" RapMonie asked, quietly. "Ah yes, thanks for reminding Namjoon, so coming down to business. As we all know, Tomorrow by Together just debuted. Did anyone or is anyone acquainted with them yet?" he asked us all. Due to our hectic schedule, we couldn't do much except for practice. We all shook our heads in disagreement. "Okay never-mind... I just wanted to tell you all about our upcoming first ever BigHit tour." Manger-nim told us.

"Haha manager-nim...is that even a thing?" Jungkook asked. He obviously doesn't know when is the time to make jokes or be serious. Me and Taehyung face-palmed on his vain efforts. Jungkook's remark only made the manager boil up in anger.

"This is why I wanted to quit! You guys can never take things seriously can you? Yes there is or there will  be a thing called a BigHit tour from now on. We have 2 groups under our company's name so there will be a BigHit tour. What I wanted was to prepare you guys and rearrange your schedule so you guys could meet the newly debuted group but now...." the poor manager lets out  his frustration as he spoke. I actually feel sorry for him but this is what he signed up for himself so I'll let him deal with this situation alone.

"Mian manager-nim.. we didn't realized that it's that  important. We will take note for next time." RapMonie spoke, standing out as the good leader and covering up the mistake made by Jungkook. Jungkook, on the other hand, looked un-bothered by the situation and stood as if he couldn't care less. Manage-nim let out another sigh but this one wasn't loud. He motioned for us to leave. We bowed and left.

"HAHA you just did NOT tried to imitate my style?!" Taehyung asked Jungkook, grinning. He slug his hand our his shoulder and and continued to enjoy the moment. I laughed and relaxed from all the tension that was around us for the past 1 hour. I checked my watch and saw the time. 

"Yah I'm so tired!" I exclaimed and the other members nodded in agreement. "I don't know how you manage it, but if I were you, I would've rejected Jaemin for my bed and pillow." Suga oppa said which caused us all to laugh. This man, he sure does love his sleep and bed. We all went out of the building laughing and goofing around.

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