Chapter 1

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Cassidy's POV


Ugh, I hate assemblies they're so boring and waste of time and energy but at least I have my best friend, Esau. He's the life of the assembly like for example, there was one time the whole school had to stay back at the auditorium for Principal O'Neil's speech at the first day of school and Esau pulled the fire alarm and set Mrs Layne's wig on fire, we got sent home for the rest of the week until our parents got an email requesting us to come back at school. That was the best first day ever. Anyways, sadly Esau didn't pull a prank or made a funny and bad joke to our homeroom teacher that makes us laugh our butts off, he just stayed quiet the entire time which was pretty odd but I just left it alone.

Math Class

My first period is Math, Esau and I have Math together he sits behind me so we can give each other notes in class without getting in trouble for communication during our lesson. I decided to pass him a note asking why was he silent in assembly when I finished writing, I folded the paper and drop it behind me on desk, I waited patiently for a reply back but I didn't receive one so I decided at the end of class I should talk to him physically but at the mean time I paid attention to the teacher and just forgot about it for a while.

First Break

Math Class was complicated and boring as usual, I tried to do the sums but my brain wasn't functioning so I gave up. Anyways, right now my main focus is to find out why is Esau in a bad mood and to make sure he's happy and in a good mood again. I saw him walking to the water vending machine at the canteen I ran in a quick pace to catch up to him and grabbed his bag to slow down I was out of breath but I take some deep breaths to calm down.

"Hey Esau, what's wrong dude?"

He looked at me and stayed silent

"You can talk to me I'm here for you, you know that right?"

He was silent. He didn't even give a nod or gesture

"Esau? ESAU?" I began to shake him by his shoulders

"We're going to the café" He said coldly and grabbed my arm

We walked through the hallway with people staring at us but Esau didn't care he continued walking all the way to the exit. I quickly snatched away my arm from him.

"What the hell dude? You can't just grab my hand like that!"

"okay" he said with a cold mean face

"Now can you please tell me why we are going to the café during school hours?"

"I just need some coffee"

"Fine, if I get in trouble for missing Spanish and Visual Arts class I'll kill you in your sleep"

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