Chapter 2 - A New Home with Promises

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Child Jade's new pink room above but please imagine it much bigger.

Chapter was edited by @royalquinn thanks!


Chapter 2 - A New Home with Promises

"Kids! We're here!" Jonah shouted to his kids, hoping to wake them up.

Jonah's tactic worked. Daniel and Anton immediately shot up from their seats, saying simultaneously, "What?"

Emily nudged her daughter softly. "We're here sweetie. Wake up now, so you can choose your room."

"Hmm?" Jade mumbled. Her eyes were still closed."I want the big room Mommy; for my teddy bears."

"Boys! Give the biggest room to your sister!" Emily shouted to her sons who were already racing for the best room they could find. After a while, she heard her sons' chorused yes's.

Emily smiled at her daughter's sleeping form. Jade was the daughter she and Jonah were hoping for, especially after having three rowdy boys: Steve, Anton and Daniel. They loved their sister very much.

Jade always kept them happy and on their toes with her sassy, energetic and kind attitude. Jumping from one wall to another was practically Jade's thing.

Jonah smiled at the view he had from the rearview mirror. Seeing his wife and daughter was a very happy sight for him, even having three boys. It just made his family more perfect for him.

Suddenly Mike, his personal bodyguard, disturbed his thoughts. "Sir, I'm sorry to disturb, but the bags have been placed inside the rooms. The cars have been parked as well, and the guards are now in their quarters which are in the building behind the house."

"Thank you, Mike," Jonah said, smiling at him. Mike is his most trusted bodyguard and was like his best friend, especially in the gang business. "But do you think you can tell them to get ready for tomorrow? Will, the Los Angeles leader, said that there would be practices tomorrow. It would be a good start for you all."

"Yes, sir," Mike answered, bowing his head slightly. "Is that all, sir?"

"Did you place Jade's teddy bears in the biggest room?" His baby girl, Jade, loved her teddy bears and would be very sad if they weren't in her room; especially the biggest one she got on her last birthday.

Mike smiled affectionately. He also loved Jade as if she was his own sister because she was so sweet. "Yes sir, we placed them in the biggest one we found and ironically, the door of the bedroom was pink as well."

"Thank you. You may go and rest now Mike," Jonah said, waving Mike away.

Mike gave his boss a quick smile and left.

Jonah neared his wife and daughter, who was still sleeping.  "Don't you want to enter the house with the boys, dear?" he asked his wife while placing an arm around her shoulder.

Emily smiled at her husband. She was thinking of her daughter so much that she forgot that they haven't entered the house yet. "I was thinking too much of Jade, I guess. Dear, do you really think that the kids would be much safer here?"

Jonah smiled at his wife. "Of course."

"Even Jade?"

"Especially Jade," Jonah reassured her. "She is our little angel after all. No one would also dare harm our kids since they know our guards are well armed and well trained."

He led his wife and daughter inside their new home. "Now, isn't this a pretty house."

"Huh?" Jade woke up, her little brunette head perked up as she looked around her. "Wow! Is this the new house Daddy?"

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