What is the purple revolution?

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I'll get into my more specific politics later in the book, don't worry. I get that's what most people are after these days, just hot takes about controversial topics. 

First off, what is the purple and what is the revolution in "The Purple Revolution."

Well a revolution is a rapid uprising that overturns the current order of governance, sometimes through violent means (hopefully not this time though.) So that raises the question, "Alt, why do we need a revolution? We can't it just be, "The Purple Democratic Reform?"  or, "The Purple Legal Battle." Or something like that."

Well, since revolutions imply a large rapid change to an overarching structure within society. What I'm arguing for is just that. I think our problems are to big too be solved merely through the slow turning of the political keys that exists in your typical liberal democracy (I mean liberal in the literal sense, not the weird way that Americans use it.). So that's not what I'm calling for though, I want actual real rapid change. In the case of the USA, if there is say a purple revolution here. I'd use whatever powers the purple party had to pack the supreme court with favorable justices, break up California into like fifty new states to win us the senate for the rest of time, use my newfound senate powers to abolish the senate as an institution, end the filibuster, and pass literally every executive order I can get away with, and I want to take this revolution global supporting it everywhere by all means at my disposal. And that's just my approach to the politics, that's not my actual politics itself. Which I'd argue is also pretty revolutionary, but it's also not really the subject of this chapter. 

So then the question becomes, why is this Revolution necessary? What is this big structural problem we're fighting against. The answer to that question is, apathy. That's what the revolution is against, it is against widespread, worsening, state sanctioned, apathy. Nobody cares about anything anymore. That's our biggest problem. So my revolution, would be against all the people who don't care. My revolution isn't against rich people, it's not against the poor, or other races, or the patriarchy, or anything like that, it is against all the people who just don't care. The revolution would try its hardest to make them care, to give those people a vested interest in the well-being of others and their own wellbeing with the hope of making a world a better place.

This book is absolutely not right wing, but if you are a right winger, than the purple revolution is sort of kind of against you too. Because I'd argue it takes a certain deal of apathy about the problems of others to hold right wing beliefs, but I'd say the same thing about liberals, and certain leftists as well.

So what is the purple, in the purple revolution? The purple, is supposed to represent empathy. The Purple Revolution exists to bring about a wide spread revolutionary change to a world where most people honestly believe that, A. nothing they do really matters B. The problems of other people are their own and their own alone. These ideas are both untrue, and I think we can mold a better world, where people actually care about other people. Where we are less alone because we all look after eachother. The brotherhood of mankind.

So how does that happen? What actually is the Purple Revolution? Well, it will mobilize the good of mankind to help itself. That's the plan at least. Practically speaking, not everybody would sign on all at once. Frankly, I doubt most people will. But then the idea is this, the people who buy in will help others, and then if everything goes according to plan more an more people will buy in.

The politics of this is honestly pretty leftist. If you're rich, and you're not using your wealth to help other humans. We will take some of that wealth to do it for you. If you are standing in the way of the happiness of the general population for your own self interests, we will stop you from doing that. 

That last bit is actually sort of relevant. Like, racists are racist because they think they can better their place in society by forcing down other people. Even people who are openly admit they're racist will say that's the case. So this applies to pretty much anyone who uses the power they have to exclude other people from happiness. People in ISIS think they'd be happier with all Christians dead, so we would destroy them. Lots of Rich people who hide their money from taxes think they'd be better off if the government didn't have their tax dollars to pay for things, so we'd deal with them too (not kill them, but like take their money.). But the thing is, these ideas aren't exclusively political. You can still make the world a better place without having the government make you do it. The government isn't going to force you to volunteer, and it obviously can't make you care about other people. All that I am expecting to do is show people that yes, your efforts and the efforts of your life can in fact be used for good. When people see the US Government, the largest organization in the world, serving the interests of the happiness and freedoms of all people, they'll know that they were a part of that and they'll want to pitch in too.

I think, right now we are living in a turning point. The economy of the USA is booming. GDP goes up and up, the stock market is roaring and for the first time in decades we're seeing actual wage growth (depending on how you count.), but people aren't happier. Right now suicides and drug overdoses kill more people than car wrecks, and deaths from those issues keep climbing. Mass shootings are on the news almost every other week as people decide that life just isn't important anymore; not for them or for the people they kill. Minorities get harassed on live video, facists are marching through the street openly, we have more people in prison than any other country in the world, the President and his idiot friends say whatever they want no matter how stupid it is and nobody cares. I mean for God's sake, just look at our two presidential front runners. Trump VS Joe Biden. These are two people who just don't give a shit. None of them have ideas, none of them actually care or empathize with the people they want to lead, and none of them are in it for anything more than power. And the only way you can end up with leaders who don't give a shit is if you have a country that doesn't give a shit.

That is the Purple Revolution. To see apathy overturned, and the justice of common humanity take its place.

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