Why is Trump Bad?

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Because he triggers me? Why else!

Well, obviously there's more to it than that. Lots of things trigger me, to be frank. Poverty triggers me a bit, racism triggers me, spilling my dippin dots like an idiot while trying to sit down at a basketball game, these are triggering events. But I wouldn't say that removing dippin dots from all public influence is an endeavor worthy of my time, I don't want to replace dippin dots with some other desert food, I don't wish dippin dots didn't exist, but I would say that about Trump. Why is that? Why is he so bad, in the eyes of leftists?

Well, first off. One thing you should understand about leftists, and well me. Is that, the worst thing about any conservative leader is that they're in the way. The biggest problem with Trump isn't what he's done, it's what he hasn't done, what he can't do. Trump, hasn't abolished poverty by creating a Universal Basic Income, he hasn't ended US imperialism over seas, he hasn't created single payer healthcare or Tuition free public college, and most importantly to my perspective, he hasn't managed to make Americans start actually caring about anything. So this is the truth, to most truly left minded people, Trump's greatest flaw is that he's in the way. So long as he sits in the Oval office, someone who could actually make change won't be sitting there. Someone who can do good work will be kept out. Getting rid of him is the first step to getting in some actual, real change for the people. And I'm not just talking about a "return to normalcy" or something stupid like that. I mean abolishing the phillibuster, stacking the courts, and launching a full scale policy revolution. Trump is in the way of real change, just like every single republican in congress, hell probably most of the democrats too. Most leftists don't look at Trump and think "Look at all he's doing." They think, "Imagine what we could do with him out of the way."

But there's obviously more to it than that. I once said a Potato would be a better president than Trump, and I stand by that statement. A potato can't do anything, Trump can and what he does do is typically pretty freaking stupid. So, I'll just list off my biggest complaints one by one and let's hope you can keep up.

#1 Tax Cuts.
Boy oh Boy oh Boy, do these Tax Cuts freakin suck. The first reason they suck is this, and let me help you do the math on this. Trump's tax cut is $ 1.5 Trillion dollars in the next ten years. The government collects a lot more money than this in taxes. In this amount of time the Government will collect about 36 Trillion in income tax alone. What bothers me about this tax cut is this, it was clearly targeted towards rich people. [Source:https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/dec/19/who-wins-and-who-loses-tax-bill/]

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Well, should you really be complaining just because a rich person got a bigger tax cut than yours? Shouldn't you just be grateful?" And I'd understand where you're coming from there, but it's more complicated than that. The US Government is currently running a deficit. That means we spend more money than we take in, and because of that we have a national debt of 21 Trillion dollars, which is a lot of money. So clearly if we're 21 Trillion in the hole, and we're going to hand out another 1.5 Trillion, than it should at least go to the people who need it the most. And the rich in this country, do not need the money. Since 2008 the incomes of the top one percent have largely recovered and continued to rise, but middle class Americans have seen their incomes stagnate considerably. Income gains for the rich since 1980 have been almost five times (percentage wise btw. So I'm adjusting for the fact that they just make more money by nature of being rich) the growth in income for the middle class.

If we're just going to be handing out money we don't have, we shouldn't be giving it to people who are already doing five times better than everybody else. And the reality is this, the bottom 20% of Americans, the poor people. They've been seeing their wages grow faster than middle class Americans. Why? Because they don't pay federal income tax. So, the Rich are beating the middle class, the poor are beating the middle class, and at the center of it all is a broken tax system. If Trump was really looking out for the working man, for the coal miners in West Virginia, or the Car Manufacturers in Illinois, he'd cut taxes for them rather than the rich.

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