Three months later

170 10 4

They saved the world.
Still, Klaus was silent to almost all of his siblings, even after helping save the world with them. He and Diego's words together were still very few and far between but they were something... Diego found out everything that happened. The war, Dave, all the random drugs Klaus had taken that only existed way back then.
Klaus sat in his room, ignoring Bens yelling. Ben wanted him to talk to him so bad. He wanted the old Klaus. Diego knocked softly on the door, making Klaus jump. He came in with a tray of food, "It's not much but it's all I have." Klaus had moved in with Diego since the house was destroyed. It was a small but it worked. Diego was able to move out of the old place he'd been staying in before. Diego sat the tray down and to his surprise, he didn't even have to fight Klaus on whether or not he ate. Klaus started eating instantly, starving. He was still so thin, way thinner than he'd ever been. Diego was worried about him but he knew, hopefully, with time he'd feel better. Diego sighed, "How are you feeling." "Disgusting." Klaus grunted out as he swallowed hard. "What's up?" Diego asked as he laid on Klaus' bed. Klaus shrugged as he lit a cigarette, "thinking about things. A exam I had... back in the war." He took a drag and held it a second, then blew out the thick smoke. "What kind of exam? Like a medical one?" Diego asked, worried. He always worried that Klaus' drug use would catch up to him. "The kind where they tell you if you're bat-shit crazy or not." Klaus chuckled a bit. Diego couldn't help but smile. That was the first time he'd heard him chuckle in months. "And? So they finally told you the drugs you take fried your two brain cells?" Diego joked, hoping to get another chuckles out of Klaus. He frowned as Klaus frowned deeply, "No... it's a bit more complicated than that..." He looked down in shame, "see, apparently everyone but me got away pretty scuff-free mentally after all the shit dad did to us..." Diego frowned and rubbed his back, "C'mon, whats wrong? It's not gonna change anything." He wrapped a arm around Klaus. Klaus started eating again, silent. Diego needed to know what was going on. "Listen, you've always been my little brother. You'll always be. I'm worried. What's wrong?" Klaus blurted out a few simple words that made Diego's heart sink, "Multiple Personality Disorder." Diego's brain started rushing. All those horror movies he used to watch... could his brother really be like that? "Can they fix it? Medicine?" He asked, voice shaking. Klaus took a drag off his cigarette and shook his head, "Nope. It's only treatable with therapy and I can't... it scares me. I wouldn't be able to get three words out before I'd panic." He kept eating and talking, "Thing is. I don't only have adult alters. I have teenagers, little kids. Dave used to take care of them..." He looked down, "I've been holding them back. They want out so fucking bad," he took a drag and let it out, "They want to play. But I can't in good conscious. There's no one to watch them anymore. Dave's gone and no one in this time seems to like me very much..:" he sighed. "I mean I could do it." Diego instantly said. Klaus shook his head, "I could never. They're so much work and... it's embarrassing." Diego shook his head, "nonsense." He patted Klaus' back, "What kind of toys do they like? I'll pick some up after work."  Klaus' eyes went wide, "You can't send your money on something that.. dumb... and I ca-" Diego slapped Klaus, "Shut up and answer the question." He barked. Klaus blushes softly, "Toy cars, stuffed animals, dolls, blocks. Some of them like pacifers and teethers... and coloring books." He rubbed his thin hand on his face, "it's too much." He whined in pain. "Bullshit, Klaus. I'm gonna go to work soon and then I'll go shopping." He hugged him and left. Klaus finished his cigarette and went back to bed. He needed to think about everything.

   Diego came home, Klaus was still out cold. Diego smiled at his sleeping brother and nudged him, "wake up!" He said softly. Klaus groaned and stared at diego, "Shut up I feel desosiated enough as it is. I'm not gonna let a kid out." Diego frowned, "fine. I got the toys. I found some pacifers that have pretty big... I dunno... the sucky thing." He said. Klaus sighed, "I can't pay you back for this." He sighed, "how much did you spend?" He sat up and looked at the three bags of things worriedly. Diego shushed him, "I found almost everything at the thrift store. It was all cheap as shit. I found some toys, pacifers, bottles, sippy cups, kid plates, and I even got some diapers. I didn't know if they were all potty trained and I didn't want them to piss on your bed." To which Klaus blushed, "That's a lot..." He sighed, knowing Diego would protest, "Thanks..." Diego smiles, "no problem." He hugged him, "I love you." To which Klaus hugged him back, "I love you too." He then flinched, "I feel so fucking weird." To which Diego started rubbing his back, "Let then out. You'll feel better. It'll be okay." Klaus nodded a bit and closed his eyes. A few minutes of silence filled the air until Klaus squirmed loose from Diegos grasp, looking at the bags with wide, curious eyes. "Hey you ok?" Diego asked, wondering what had happened. Klaus nodded softly and started sucking his thumb gently, "Those fur me?" He baby talked as he pointed to the bags. Diego nodded with a small smirk, "Yeah. You can play all you want." He knew they never was allowed toys as kids. Klaus sat down in the floor and got out a bag of toy cars. He got them out and picked up one. He started playing with it. Diego couldn't help but smile and ask, "what's your name? I'm Diego." To which Klaus simply responded, "Kaus." Diego nodded and his head melted a bit. Klaus always used to say his name like that when he was a little kid. He watched the man play with cars for a while until he fell asleep. Diego picked him up and put him in the bed, patting his shoulder. He went to bed soon, thinking about Klaus. Thinking about how much he had been through.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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