"The voicemail"

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"Message received on May 30, at 3:16am."
Are you there?
I'm just trying to get in touch, man.
I've been so fucking...
So fucking down lately .
I don't know what's happening.
I'm just so tired all the time.
Trying to sleep.
I just...
I just lay there quiet.
Can't speak cause everyone around me is passed out.
My fucking mind's raging.
I don't even know why I called.
I think it...
I think it might be time for me to leave.
Just call it quits.
I'm sick of this.
It's the same fucking day.
Every day.
I think I sleep.
I can't be sure though.
It's all the same now.
Drink again.
I'm tired, man.
I think it...
You don't want to hear this.
I'm a mess.
I'm sorry, man.
I just don't know who to turn to.
No one really hears me, you know?
I speak...
At least I think I speak.
But no one hears me.
I've said enough."

I'm feeling normal yet I wanna cry,
My whole body hurts cause I did boot camp Tuesday but yeah 🙃


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