I'm a Bitch

37 10 6

Embarrassing Story of YatoBadAss

Yato POV

When I was in primary school, my teacher asked the class what we wanted to be when we grow up. One by one, the small kids answered with funny and cute stuffs. But when it was my turn, I didn't give any cute answer but quit a unique one.

"What would you like to be when you grow up ? "
" I'd be a bitch"
"You wanna be a what..?"
"A bitch !"
"...see me after class"

So, the reason why I said I wanted to be a bitch was only because my parents were pretty sexually active and I happened to once hear my dad calling my mom a bitch, and being a stupid brat, I wanted to be like my mom...:l

I regret this...

                                 ------------Hope you enjoy the story--------------

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