i | rules

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part one | general rules

. 1 - 4 paragraphs per reply (or more)
and grammar + spelling is a must!
this is a literate roleplay
so of course i'd want people to be literate.

. don't make an omnipotent/invincible character
your character can be a god, but they can't be allknowing, all powerful, etc
each one must have at least 3 weaknesses or bad qualities!

. i only roleplay in third person
i prefer my partners do the same, though it's not
a very strict rule if it's not what you're used to and you're
literate in general

. don't control my ocs unless it's a transition scene
(ie both characters are doing something together
or about to go from one place to another)
and please don't control other
elements of their life (ie controlling their pets,
the things they own, etc).

. you can make different characters per every scenario i make
just please keep track of them because i probably won't

. if the rp gets boring for you, please tell me!
we can work out a plot to follow to spice things up

. this roleplay will be loosely based on my own character's stories
so if you need context on a certain place or situation
ask me oorp! (using brackets, lines, or
whatever you use to indicate out of rp chat)

. if i stop responding
chances are it's because;
- i'm either not in the mood to roleplay
- it's stopped becoming enjoyable for me
if i don't respond after two tags please just drop it

. that being said
if i was actually into our rp and still haven't been responding
chances are i just logged out of this account for a bit.
i'll always return, though!

. i don't mind nonhumans!
none of my characters are humans so it
doesn't bother me if yours are or not..
but they must be humanoid, no furries bc i don't have
experience with rping as/with them

. you have to make (and use) at least one non-female character
if the first one you make is female.
someone got this by making a male character
and never using him before
so if you do that i will just start ignoring you

. my characters are lgbt.
i ask that if you're not comfortable with
girl x girl, boy x boy, or trans/nb people
or your character is strictly straight (bicuriosity included)
please don't apply to roleplay here
the password is "nblnb" and to tag two people

. on the flip side, if you fetishize lgbt relationships
(as in, thinking gay ships are 'hot' just because they're gay,
refer to gay men as 'sin babies' or 'yaoi',
think trans men are 'soft boys'/trans women are 'butch muscle wives'
or some weird shit like that)
stay the hell away from me and my ocs i BEG of you

. im not on wattpad all the time
because of lack of interest in this app
if you want a more in-depth roleplay
then add my discord account!
it changes a lot, but it's usually at the bottom of my bio
just let me know if you add me, please

. i don't care if you censor cursing or not
and i don't mind smut
im not always in the mood for nsfw,
so if things go there then
we will either skip it or do it privately
it depends on how we both feel

. i am, however,
a huge sucker for romance!
don't hesitate to toss some
lovey dovey themes in the roleplay
i won't mind, as long as
it's not rushed/forced.

. that being said, i love drama and
angst as well. you can make it sad, edgy, whatever
just please don't rely on me to add it
i don't wanna be the backbone of an rp

. you can tag me
just don't be excessive with it please
i've been tagged over
five times in one day before
it's not pleasant


part two | literacy

i'm a literate roleplayer, so i'd naturally prefer my partners to be similar.
i don't mean 'one or two sentences' literate, i mean 'paragraphical, edited like a story' literate. examples of what i mean below;


' she yawned, stretched, and got out of bed.'
'[character name] : *gets out of bed*'
'i yawned, stretched, and got out of my bed'


'eun-sae's eyes shot open after from the blaring sound of her alarm. she had slept throughout the night, but somehow she still felt so tired.. how long was she out? her body felt heavier than usual, and a migraine rang in her head.

right, she remembered, she was just hungover.

she sat up, stretched her arms over her head for a few seconds before leaning down to stretch her legs as well by reaching for her toes. once finished, the young woman began to get out of bed to start her morning routine. '

responses can be a bit (much) longer or a bit (a bit) shorter than this example; it's very loosely written as to not take up so much reading time, but to give a general idea of what i'm looking for anyways


part three | warnings(?)

most of the time i will overlook when someone breaks my rules
because i'm a very non confrontational person and don't like
making others feel bad. however, if it becomes consistent
and someone repeatedly breaks my rules while roleplaying,
i will give exactly one warning asking to please stop breaking my
rules. if it continues to happen, i will more than likely will just delete the
roleplay or stop replying to it. i dislike confrontation, but i also dislike repeating myself.

rules; conclusion

form will be in the next chapter

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