The Nightmare World - Original Route

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Notice: Please go to the Announcement Page before reading.

Character Fonts Identification:

ABC - June
ABC - Joshua
ABC - Lexter
ABC - JD w/name
ABC - Ethan
ABC - Flaire w/name
ABC - Denver w/name
•ABC• - Carl Jan
°ABC° - Justine

-Other two are locked for some reason.

Some of them are similar so i had to place names on the side.

A/N: If the characters is at POV status sometimes. Their Fonts are default. If you understand their current chat Fonts please proceed to read at the first part of the Story. The second is the feature for you to change the ending. The other characters Fonts May be affected when there are few People.

Game Start!! Enjoy reading!!

June's POV

Its finally afternoon and Mom is about to leave the house. She gave me a few request that i can handle. But it wasn't easy. I said to her that i will do my best.

Mom: June Ill be leaving now i hope you can do your work well. You have to make your Cousins sleep and stop making a ruckus in the house. Let your friend Justine help you everytime you get a hard time. Keep them away from making a mess now ok?

*Mom Leaves to go to work*

I said "Yes" to her but i feel kinda "Dizzy" so i think i cant make it. I picked the piggy bank and get money to buy one small chocolate. As i leave the house i realized i've got to do house chores as well. It drains my motivation and energy just by thinking at it.

*Goes back Home*
"Dining Room"

.... Sigh ....

Its been a while since my LCD on my cell phone have gone crazy... I hope Dad can fix it in the meantime.

*Eating chocolate*

*Walks to the Living Room*
"Living Room"

°Justine: It really has a great color man *Laughing*.°

Shut up and Sleep, And stop causing trouble!

"This is my friend Justine, he likes to tease People since we were little i was always Annoyed but when i use violence its just back firing against me. Just why many people misunderstood the situation."

Ceddie: *Laughing* Serves you right!

Heric:*Laughing Harder*.

Mom told you two to go to sleep so go to sleep and Justine dont say such things that make them laugh.

°Alright i would like to stay and sleep with them, is it okay?

"These two are my Cousins - Sigmund and Sigfreud... I dont have specific information but one of them is really lazy and addicted to cartoons. Their fake names are Ceddie and Heric ,Sigmund is kinda hardworking."

*30 minutes later*

Those three are sleeping soundly after i opened the electric fan. I wanted to read books so "I guess ill go."

"There is your glasses lying on the TV Shelf"
Pick it up? (Yes or No)

I wondered where these choices come from, but i pressed yes because i had to. I'm starting to feel uneasy when i saw the choices in front of me. Its like I'm on a game or something.


Never Better!

The glasses improves my eye sight and protects it.

-June- The Nightmare WorldWhere stories live. Discover now