Main Menu

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A/N: Go and enjoy yourself to make your own future June!

R: This is the main menu page. This will tell you where to start and make guides for you.

> Go down to see the menu

June - The Nightmare World.

- New Game
*If you chose this please proceed to Scene 1*

- Continue
*If you chose this, please proceed to your Save Point you remember saving to* (" If you have two or more save points on one slot. Then the LATEST is only valid ")

- Endings
*If you chose this please proceed to the Endings Page or the Instructions*

- Settings
*Just for extras, if you chose this then please proceed to the Settings Page*

- Help
*Do you even need help if you are really smart*
*If you chose this, please proceed to Help Page*

*Announcement for something new*

("This Page contents are under development")

-June- The Nightmare WorldWhere stories live. Discover now