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Xiu Ying's POV:

I looked up to see a cute little diner with booths set up inside, the dim light of the sign above lighting up the car. I turned to see Sicheng smiling to himself, the light from the sign lighting up his face as well. Kun went to get up to let us out but Sicheng stopped him, opening the door and getting out for himself. I watched as he turned and held his hand out. "My lady." He said as I scooted over, grabbing his hand and getting out of the car to stand beside him as Kun rolled down his window.

"You kids have fun. You sure you don't want me to stay?" He said as he looked at us while Sicheng closed the door. "No we're okay." He said to him as he held onto my hand tighter while getting his walking stick undone. I smiled and bid goodbye to Kun as Sicheng lead me to the restaurant. "This place is very pretty, I love the red dim lights on the sign, ties the whole place together, especially with the old timey atmosphere." I said, doing my best to explain as we walked through the door.

"I have been coming here since I was little, I figured this would be the perfect place to take you. I always dreamed of taking a beautiful girl here on a first date some day." He said, making me blush. "It's perfect." I said, hugging him lightly. He hugged me back and grabbed my hand once again as a man walked over to us. "Sicheng, nice to see you again..and who's this pretty girl you got with you?" He said, smiling. "Hi Yixing, She's my date." Sicheng said, smiling to himself.

"My boy finally has a date!" He said excitedly, patting his shoulder before leading us over to a booth at the end of the restaurant. We sat down across from each other, the waiter quickly taking our orders before going to the back, leaving me and Sicheng to ourselves. "So..what do you want to talk about?" I said awkwardly as we both realized how quiet we were, just waiting for the food and drinks to show up.

"Sorry if I'm not talking much, I'm just nervous, not really sure what to talk about on a date." He said, blushing lightly. "It's okay, I'm nervous too, we can just talk about whatever." I said. I reached across the table and grabbed his hand lightly, holding it on the table. "This is nice." He said, smiling shyly. I agreed and thought of something else to talk about. "So, tell me about your childhood, you said you have been coming here for a long time." I said.

His eyes lit up as he thought of old memories before he spoke. "I use to come here with my mom and dad all the time when I was younger, back before I lost my sight, I remember the layout of this place, the red dim lights outside, the red enterior, everything you described earlier, it's all the same that I remember." He said, smiling as he thought back on those times. "I remember playing with my older sister and getting in trouble with our parents..that was all before she moved in with our grandparents." He continued to tell his story as I rested my head on my free hand and looked at him.

I noticed the sadness in his voice as he mentioned his sister and his dad, I didn't even know he had a sister until now. I wanted to ask him about something but didn't know if I should so I stayed quiet while he finished. "Are you okay? You seem quiet." He asked suddenly, making me take my hand away from my face and clear my throat. "Um..I just wanted to ask something but nevermind." I said, avoiding it. "It's about how I lost my sight isn't it?" He said suddenly, making me wonder how he knew exactly what I wanted to ask.

"Actually yeah..but you don't have to tell me if it is too hard to talk about-" I started to say before he cut me off. "No, I trust you. I want to tell you." He said. I looked at him as I waited for him to continue. "When I was younger, me and my sister were outside playing in the backyard and our parents walked inside for a moment to get stuff cause we were having a dinner and when my sister walked away, I grabbed a firework from my dad's box of stuff he had set up and I accidentally set it off..while I was holding it. Went off in my face and I haven't been able to see since then." He said, a tear slipping from his eye as he finished.

"Sicheng...I'm so sorry, I wish things were different. But to me, you are perfect either way." I said sweetly, making him smile as I wiped a tear from his cheek. "Thank you, that's nice of you to say. I'm thankful to have met you, you're lovely." He said. Before I knew it, I let go of his hand, confusing him as I got up and moved to his side of the booth, sitting next to him. "What's wrong?" He asked as he scooted over. I moved his face towards mine before kissing his lips. He kissed back and we stayed like that for a moment before I pulled away.

I closed his eyes, kissing each eyelid gently before speaking softly to him. "Let me be your eyes. I want to give you everything you deserve in this world. Even though I'm not beautiful or anything special, I want to give you so much." I said, letting go of his face. "To me, you're everything beautiful, like the world and you're special to me. I wish you would know how much." He said, pressing his forehead to mine. We stayed there for what seemed like forever as I heard the rain begin to hit the window lightly beside us. I had not prepared for the rain, nor did I care about it in that moment, I could only focus on the sound of our hearts beating as one.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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