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Xiu Ying's POV:

"Sicheng, it's time." I heard the doctor say as he walked into the room. I looked at him, tears in my eyes and he wiped them away as always. He could sense when I cried and that hurt him. I tried my best to stop crying as he leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. "I love you." I said as I got up. "I love you too." He said back, letting go of my hand as I was escorted out of the room so they could prep him for surgery. After a few minutes, they lead Sicheng down the hallway to one of the operating rooms and I sat there in sadness in the waiting room with his mom while we waited impatiently.

Soon Lucas and Kun showed up, walking over to sit with me as soon as they saw me. "Hey, is he okay?" Kun said as he sat down, followed by Lucas beside him. "Don't know yet, he is in surgery right now. I hope he is alright." I said sadly, feeling myself cry again. Kun hugged me lightly, trying to comfort me as I wiped my tears off. The three of us sat there, trying our best to comfort each other and get our minds off of the current situation. Finally the moment we waited for came, the doctor came out and spoke.

"Dong Sicheng." He said. The four of us stood up and his mom ran to the doctor. "How is he?" She asked. I walked over to the doctor as Lucas and Kun helped keep me up as I felt weak. "He seems to have made it out of surgery alright, he will be okay, we just need to see how the results will be. We need to give it some time before checking. You four are welcome to come back to see him, he woke up a little while ago." He said. We all felt relieved yet still worried for him, not knowing if the surgery was actually a success.

The four of us slowly walked in the room, the sound of the heart monitor beating loudly throughout the room. I felt weak again as I saw him laying on the bed, eye patches preventing me from seeing his eyes. "Honey, it's your mom..and your friends are here too." His mom said as she went to sit beside the bed while he tried to sit up. "What about my girlfriend?" He said before anything else, making me smile at how concerned he was for me. "I'm here love." I said, making him smile brightly. I went to sit on the other side of him and grabbed his hand, holding it gently.

"Glad you're okay man." Lucas said as he patted his shoulder. "My best friend's a fighter." Kun said. I leaned up and kissed Sicheng, making his mom look away annoyed. "You're so brave Sicheng." I said. "I just hope it was worth it." He said. "I'm going to go home and get you some clothes and stuff. I will be back in a little while, get some rest honey." His mom said, kissing him on the forehead before standing up. "Love you mom." He said. "Love you too." She said back before leaving.

Sicheng tried to take the gauze off of his eyes to try to see us but we had to keep stopping him. "Guys, can I have a moment alone with him?" I asked suddenly.  They nodded and left the room, shutting the door behind them. "What's wrong baby?" He said in a light tone, his deep voice still showing through it. "I am just worried." I sighed. "Worried about what?" He asked as he held my hand. "What if I'm not as beautiful as you think I am? What if you find my body ugly?" I said sadly.

"Baby, you're beautiful inside and out no matter what because your heart is beautiful..and when we had sex, I felt your body babe, you're fucking beautiful." He said, his cursing making him even more hot. "Stop making me blush." I said, smacking his arm lightly. He laughed and pulled me closer, his hand going down my waist. He pulled me onto the bed next to him, pushing my hair behind my ear as he felt my face, my eyes fluttering closed for a moment. "I want to see you so bad." He whispered. "Either way I will always be here for you." I whispered back, leaning in to kiss him.

Before I could, the door opened and Lucas and Kun barged back in. "Times up lovebirds." Lucas said. As they saw how we were laid up together, Sicheng's hands now on my ass as I stayed close to him, they smirked and began to talk. Lucas winked at me, making me roll my eyes. "Hey guys, thanks for giving me some time with my woman." He said in a smart tone. "No problem buddy." Kun said. "Also we saw your mom coming down the hallway." Kun said to Sicheng, making me panic and get off him, sitting back down.

I sat down between Lucas and Kun and waited for Sicheng's mom to walk in, but she didn't. Suddenly Kun and Lucas laughed loudly, making me confused. "We were joking, she isn't back yet." Lucas said as he continued to laugh. I rolled my eyes and smacked the both of them while Sicheng laughed. "You two are assholes." I said. I scooted my seat away from them and back next to Sicheng's bed. The four of us continued on with small talk, counting down the minutes until he would be able to take his gauze off. I just hoped the surgery was worth all of this.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This book is getting close to the end, I have a replacement ready as well as for Ten Hours which is also almost finished. Please feel free to check out my other books and upcoming ones. :)


Love Is Blind 》WinWinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt