Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

"Gavin, who was the woman who just left your office? She's walking down the road with Ed Anderson."

Gavin looked up from the notes he was writing to be typed up later. "Father, that was Penny Burkart."

"Really?" His father's eyes were predatory. "I've heard that Ed and Carol have taken her in and claimed her as a member of the family."

"It seems that way," Gavin agreed.

"A member of that very rich family."

"I'm already working on that, father. She came in for a loan. Pride kept her from taking the money from the Anderson's, though they offered. I was quite friendly with her."

"You need to be more than friendly, son." Benjamin Hendershot insisted.

"She wasn't real receptive," Gavin admitted. Or pretty. Damn, she'd been nothing more than a skinny stick of a woman with a completely unremarkable face. He liked the looks of Maggie Anderson better but no man in his right mind would attempt to woo that wild she-devil.

Benjamin walked to the desk and slammed his hand on it. "Then you make her receptive," he insisted. "Our family is struggling thanks to your gambling debts. We need the money we would gain from your marriage into such a wealthy family."

Marriage? To Penny? He could only imagine how horrid a view that would be to wake up to each morning. But his father was right. Their family was struggling, and it was his fault. Gavin never could pass up a good bet or high stakes poker match. He never let anyone in town know of his addiction and only gave in to his vices in bigger cities where he wasn't recognized.

His father had been growing increasingly impatient with him lately and insisting that Gavin find a rich family to marry into. At first his father had been thinking of forcing Gavin to attempt to woo Maggie Anderson. Penny, while a much homelier woman to look at, seemed much more of a lady.

"I told her I would see her in a few days to sign the paperwork...."

Gavin's father cut him off. "No. You will go see her now. Invite her to lunch and offer to take her home. You need to make this work Gavin. Your mother and I are nearly bled dry and we cannot pay the newest debt you've amassed."

"I know you can't, father." Problem was, Gavin couldn't either.

"Those men will kill you, Gavin, if you do not do something quick. There will be nothing your mother and I can do to stop them."

He winced. "I know."

"Then go out there and handle this, son. You need to become a part of that family, marry that girl, and take care of your debts."

Gavin rubbed his face roughly as his father left his office. He had dug himself one hell of a hole and now he was scrambling to find a way out of it. His father was right. The loan shark he owed money to would eventually grow tired of waiting and kill him to prove a point to anyone else who attempted to ignore a debt.

Penny was his best hope if he wished to continue breathing. He could always use the Anderson's money to pay his debt and then divorce the woman later. Or remain married to her for access to the money and keep much prettier mistresses.

Shoving himself to his feet, Gavin ran his hand over his hair, adjusted his suit jacket, and strode from the bank. Penny and Ed Anderson were nearing their cart. Gavin waved an arm.

Aces are Wild (new version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora