Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

The next few days were busy ones. Luke and Patricia's home was being built, which kept everyone pretty busy. Ace had taken Penny into town, and it came as no surprise to anyone, that he had convinced the landowner to sell them the lot for Penny's sewing shop—he had ordered all the lumber needed the same day though it would be a few weeks before it arrived.

While Ace spent much of his time working on Patricia and Luke's house, Penny spent hers working on the dress order for Mrs. Meyers. She was using her old room at the ranch house as her sewing room since there was simply no room to spread everything out at the cabin.

Sitting back in her chair, Penny laid down the fabric she'd been joining and stretched out her aching fingers. Glancing at the clock told Penny it was nearing six in the evening. That meant everyone would be finishing up work for the day within the next hour or so and heading to the ranch house for dinner.

She couldn't wait to see Ace. It was pathetic really, how attached she'd grown to the man, but Penny missed him every second they were apart. She lived for his smiles, his glances, his touches.... Ace Anderson was her world.

A knock on the door, startled Penny out of her thoughts. "Penny, dear, are you busy? Could I come in?"

"Of course, Carol," Penny replied.

Carol stepped into the room with a dress bag draped over her arm. "What do you have there?" Penny asked.

Carol laid the dress bag down on the bed and came to Penny, sitting down in the chair beside her. "I was hoping I could talk to you about something."

Penny frowned. Carol seemed emotional—was something wrong? "What do you want to talk about?"

Carol reached out and took her hand. "Your wedding. When Patricia joined our family, she and Luke were married without a big ceremony. They rushed things and broke my heart—though I suppose it worked out for them."

Penny smiled. "I'm certain they didn't break your heart on purpose."

Laughing lightly, Carol waved her hand. "Children are good at breaking their parent's hearts, it makes us quite resilient. Now that you and Ace are getting married in a few days, I want to make an offer to you."

"What kind of offer?" Penny was still just as confused as she'd been when Carol had come in the room.

Carol's dark hair shimmered in the sunlight streaming through the window as she tilted her head. "Have you thought much about what you're going to wear?"

Penny sighed. "In a perfect world, I would have made a gown, but I simply didn't have time. I will probably wear my yellow dress....."

Carol held up her hand and jumped to her feet. She seemed childlike in her excitement as she grabbed up the bag. "What would you say to wearing this?"

Carol opened the bag and pulled out one of the most beautiful lace dresses that Penny had ever seen. The skirt consisted of four billowing tiers of white lace. The bodice would fit tightly with a delicate neckline and lace trimmed sleeves that would hang off the shoulder.

"Carol... that's beautiful..." Penny gasped. She stood and walked to the dress, running her fingers over it with reverence. This dress was a piece of art. Penny could only imagine the time and work involved in tatting every inch of perfect, delicate lace.

"It has been in my family for several generations," Carol admitted, tears in her brown eyes. "My great grandmother made this dress. She wore it in her wedding, as did my grandmother, my mother, and me. Now, I'm passing it on to you—if you'd like it. There's no pressure...."

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